Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] himself [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 Feeling one step from death , Branson dragged himself out to the car and drove quickly through the early morning traffic to the hospital in Wimbledon .
2 Cornelius took himself off to the telephone box .
3 Trent swung himself over to the settee so that she would n't have to shout .
4 Lee flung himself on to the dog .
5 Finally , after a comm-call to the Emissary brought Lord y'Fiprehaude himself on to the screen , to simper a confirmation , the warden grudgingly gave me clearance .
6 On arriving at Southwell , Charles handed himself over to the Scottish commissioners in expectation of their support , but negotiations between them collapsed , and the Scots sold him to Parliament for £400,000 .
7 Alex threw himself on to the floor and rolled over and over shouting , ‘ I do n't want her !
8 Connolly gave himself up to the police and was charged with damage to the cell amounting to ten shillings .
9 Tell Russell to give himself up to the police and when they have dealt with him , Mr Christie , I am going to shoot him . ’
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