Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [pos pn] eyes [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Markby turned his eyes back to the report .
2 Meredith dragged her eyes away from it reluctantly .
3 Matron , sitting tidily in the chair on the far side of him , allowed herself a barely audible sigh of impatience and looked pointedly at her watch , and Briant slid his eyes sideways at her and smiled slightly , raising his eyebrows at Kegan 's back view .
4 Reluctantly Chuck turned his eyes back to his father .
5 Grant casts his eyes around at the casualties of a drink-based evening albeit mainly non-alcoholic , and demurs , seeing that mild hysteria has set in .
6 Matthew turned his eyes away from her and walked to the window at the end of the drawing-room .
7 Barefoot , she moved with the natural sinuousness of her race , and looking beyond her , Loc saw Jacques Devraux lift his eyes momentarily from his plate to follow the swaying movement of her hips as she walked away from the table .
8 Hassan closed his eyes again for two or three seconds .
9 Willie fixed his eyes on to the gate and held his breath .
10 Geoffrey rolled his eyes up towards the roof of the car .
11 Jahsaxa narrowed her eyes meaningfully at her in-house security officers .
12 Thérèse rolled her eyes upwards to heaven , smiled heroically , and fell over .
13 Isabel wrenched her eyes away from fitzAlan and glared at the wall .
14 Roland turned his eyes back to the shadowy desk .
15 Zak raised his eyes vaguely in my direction but it would have been tactless to disrupt the thoughts behind them , so I pressed on forward , traversing the dayniter and the sleeping cars and arriving at the forward dome car .
16 Sheldukher rolled his eyes up to heaven .
17 Behind dosed doors Diana cried her eyes out with nervous exhaustion .
18 The forces of oppression in Glasgow had their eyes even on schoolchildren then .
19 Isabel dragged her eyes away from the ground and stared at fitzAlan .
20 When Hilary cast her eyes up in supplication , he laughed .
21 He could see Edgar Lustgarten narrowing his eyes threateningly at the camera , as he paced out the length of Maple Drive .
22 Maura rolled her eyes up to the ceiling .
23 Miguel closed his eyes again in the jeep .
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