Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [adv] upon [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Before 1322 , however , because of his often fraught relations with the magnates , Edward relied heavily upon the church for essential funds .
2 David Batty used once upon a time to write an agony column in rec.sport.soccer .
3 ‘ Nothing will come of nothing ’ , as King Lear said once upon a time .
4 Behind it lay two political motives : first , to see the Plan as the first step towards an effective political integration , and second the political conviction that stability and union within Western Europe rested ultimately upon a rapprochement between France and West Germany .
5 Similarly , Poulantzas in his criticism of Miliband insisted strongly upon the character of the state and social classes as ‘ objective structures ’ , conceived individuals only as the ‘ bearers ’ of ‘ objective instances ’ , and rejected those alternative conceptions which introduce the purposes of conscious social actors into the analysis .
6 Two centuries after the ‘ blowing ’ of the Denver sluice in 1713 , the whole security of the south level of the Fens depended solely upon the security of the restored sluice .
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