Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] be [adv] waiting for " in BNC.

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1 Miss Kenton was still waiting for me in the hallway and we ascended through the house in silence .
2 When the Direktor arrived back at his villa Madge Grimsilk was already waiting for him .
3 Although he dispensed hospitality lavishly to the townspeople , he had no success ; political folly only compounded his incompetence as a landlord , and some Chichester tradesmen were still waiting for their bills to be settled ten years later .
4 The Ministry of Defence says two Hercules planes are now waiting for orders at Zagreb and they may be recalled back to Lyneham , if flights into Sarajevo prove to dangerous to risk .
5 I 'm sure he wo n't mind me mentioning the fact , but as far as I know Graham Marsden is still waiting for that elusive ’ two ’ , not that he has n't had his share of big roach , it 's just that the needle of his scales apparently aggravatingly always sticks at around 1lb 15oz !
6 Mr Harper is still waiting for a response from the Department of Health .
7 Nine months on Mr Boulton is still waiting for the two and a half thousand pounds he claims Brit-Pol owes him for the coach .
8 While contemporaries like Robin Williams and Steve Martin have collapsed gratefully , if not entirely gracefully , into the moneyed embrace of Hollywood , Emo Philips is still waiting for the call .
9 Alan Dodsworth of Darlington paid over £2,000 in cash to Mr Round last October for a kitchen that was never delivered ; and disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
10 And disabled Ferryhill resident Royston Hunter is still waiting for work to be completed at his home after giving Mr Round £4,180 in November .
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