Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [be] likely [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The government 's review is internal , even secretive , though the usual think-tanks , and campaigners like MP David Willetts are likely to be used .
2 Will the Minister confirm that the total cost of the Trident programme is likely to be over £23 billion , that it is a monstrous waste of money , that to hold nuclear weapons is immoral and that in the interests of world peace he should cancel the programme and provide useful work for the highly skilled people who have manufactured those awful weapons of mass destruction ?
3 THE PROPOSED international merger between Deloitte Haskins & Sells and Touche Ross is likely to be holed below the waterline this week when the French arm of Deloitte pulls out of the agreement .
4 Wembley , Old Trafford , Villa Park and Elland Road are likely to be joined by four other grounds for the 31-match competition , spread over 22 days .
5 For example , a sting from Buthus occitanus is likely to be fatal in North Africa , but in France the species , for reasons unexplained , is completely harmless .
6 On-going contracts at Warren Spring are likely to be transferred to the NETC , ensuring that work currently underway will continue , including Government contracts such as those for air pollution monitoring .
7 Feelings within the BBC are that somebody has to go and that the 69-year-old Mr Hussey is likely to be the one .
8 The problems and opportunities that new conventional weapons technology — ‘ emerging technology ’ — presents for an efficient allocation of effort as between the research and production capabilities , and the force contributions , of the NATO allies are likely to be considerable .
9 The annual burning of the Amazon Forest is likely to be the worst ever , according to data based on air and satellite surveys released by Friends of the Earth .
10 Bryan Robson is likely to be a spectator again tonight when Manchester United play Southampton .
11 The 27-year-old Oldham keeper is likely to be out for the rest of the season after tearing wrist ligaments against Manchester United .
12 However , Jansher 's continuing rivalry with Jahangir Khan is likely to be the highlight of the first World Open to use the lower 17-inch tin .
13 Thus , Mr Kaifu is likely to be re-elected president of his Liberal Democratic Party next month , and retain the post of prime minister .
14 Whoever replaces Mr Kinnock is likely to be chosen on the basis of all the things he was not : considered , consistent , classless .
15 Mr Clinton is likely to be magnanimous in his attitude to Mr Major .
16 A gantry traffic light will be installed above the centre of the road , hand railing will provide additional protection for pedestrians , and the bus stop outside Milroy Walk is likely to be moved some metres south and recessed into the wide pavement .
17 I recognised that the Biolife filter was likely to be the most expensive single item in my budget .
18 During the course of their conversation , to which Julia listened with only half her attention as she sipped her brandy , she learned that Jackson French was likely to be posted to London to play a part in the winding up of UNRRA later in the year and that Comfort herself was due to leave Venice in two days ' time ‘ now that Julia is getting well again' .
19 I shall review here the nature and purpose of the going concern qualification and , in this light , discuss whether any further extension of auditor responsibility as proposed in the new standards and by the Cadbury Committee is likely to be beneficial .
20 Almost any house in East Anglia is likely to be advertised as being located in Constable country .
21 Raima UK is likely to be joint-owned by the two companies , and is said by Systemstar 's David Turley to be ‘ the inevitable consequence of our selling the product for the last five years ’ .
22 Despite the squeeze on hospital budgets , health professionals visiting from the United Kingdom are likely to be struck more strongly in the leading New York voluntary hospitals by the relatively lavish level at which they are equipped than by their shortage of money , perhaps because they can shape the patient population that they actually serve to match the funding available .
23 THE main focus of British angst at the Strasbourg Summit is likely to be the Social Charter .
24 Lee Chapman is likely to be fit , despite injuring his shoulder against Sheffield Wednesday last Saturday .
25 David Platt 's return from world cup stage to Wembley stage is likely to be spoilt by a knee injury .
26 Jonathan Davies and Barry Williams have been ruled out but Paul Moriarty and Kevin Ellis are likely to be fit .
27 After all , demand for July and August periods is likely to be much higher than that for November or February ones .
28 It was clear that the free-enterprise ( indeed , Thatcherite ) peoples of Hong Kong were likely to be swallowed up in a huge Marxist empire of uncertain direction .
29 Meanwhile , the Soviets have decided to forsake San Diego itself for nearby Mission Bay where the Nippon Challenge and a joint de Savary/Iain Murray operation are likely to be set up .
30 Jets are also bidding to reach the cup final for the first time and their semi-final with West Coast is likely to be the closest of the day .
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