Example sentences of "[vb base] a lot [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet the aim is for individuals on both sides to come together and explore , ex tempore , mutual areas of interest in the conference venue , the Glasgow Hilton , ( ’ I expect a lot of the business to be done in the corridors ’ , said Howell ) or at the Computer Solutions Show which runs simultaneously at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre .
2 These were much the best performances I have heard from him , and say a lot for the state of Horndean , Petersfield and Rogate Choral Societies , from whom the Festival Chorus were drawn .
3 I mean you read you read a lot in the press erm about people being mugged on the flats and er break-ins and all this sort of thing .
4 That 's better than letting it drag and drag ; you lose a lot of the vibe that way .
5 Yeah I get I mean I get the impression if you 're thinking about you know , the thefts from the people , I mean a lot of the time is the guy who 's visiting the prostitute , does n't report to us if his wallet 's been stolen , for the simple fact he was visiting a prostitute .
6 But I mean a lot on the railway
7 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
8 we have people who know a lot about the subject , and others who are bringing in their own items for us to assess
9 I was a union representative for 14 years , and I know a lot about the industry and how important the legislation to protect the hours of working is to miners .
10 ‘ I do n't even work at Chester 's , but I know a lot of the management are unhappy .
11 One of the difficulties that results from these cuts and that tax has been that there had been so numerous that it ca n't keep count of how many times they 'd changed the goal posts , how many times they imposed cuts , but you know a lot of the government 's ideas are that it 's money , money , money , but it 's not all financial , it 's been physical and mental .
12 Erm , we hear a lot about the holocaust that happened to the Jews in the second world war but not so many people know a lot about the holocaust that has happened to women over centuries and centuries where millions of women were burnt as witches , but er , just because they were women !
13 I think in the long view it is all to the good that the government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared before we come in .
14 As soon as he got to Aix he wrote to Chamberlain : ‘ I think in the long view it is all to the good that the Government have to look after their own chickens as they come home to roost , and get a lot of the dirt cleared up before we come in . ’
15 For somebody that had never been in sales before you remember a lot from the course
16 Brut a lot of the time , they do n't want to report that their child is riding without lights , but they accept that if you have a quiet word , he may not do it .
17 ‘ This is where I keep a lot of the material for his biography .
18 He could glamour it all up by putting in a phoney dashboard and to that end he thought that perhaps he could borrow ( borrow is a word we use a lot in the Air Force ) some instruments from an old aeroplane down on the aerodrome — I believe it was a Boulton Paul Sidestrand .
19 Moreover , ‘ They were all madly highly-sexed like the Starkadders ’ , she told an interviewer earlier in the decade , ‘ and I think a lot of the laughing at that kind of thing in Cold Comfort Farm comes from a ‘ distaste ’ … if you have it thrust on you from an early age , with divorces left , right and centre and people chasing each other round tables … well . ’
20 ‘ I think a lot of the time , they are trying to see what they can get away with .
21 I think a lot of the time , I mean homosexuality has been perceived historically as like a , you know , if not an illness a weakness
22 The people sort of eight o'clock , nine , and there just congregating by the Health Service there , anything night and I think a lot of the trouble .
23 mm , I do n't know I think a lot of the sound travels through the wood , I think that 's all part of it , you know , I do n't think you 'd have very good erm quality out of to be honest with you
24 I think a lot of the team said , ‘ Well , if Linford can do it , I can do it ! ’
25 Alternatively , if you , if he says , ‘ Well I want to have a , I read something and I want to have a discussion , ’ you think this chap does n't know anything about it , and you actually do a lot of the work for him or her in the circumstances .
26 ‘ I wonder a lot about the year 2000 — what we 'll be doing ( as rugby players ) , what we 'll be driving , what we 'll be living in ’ , he muses .
27 However , although agencies take a lot of the work out of finding an employee , and can be particularly useful if interviewer(s) are part of a voluntary committee which has limited time to devote to the task of appointing new staff , they have the disadvantage that you are limited in your choice by the number of people who have themselves registered with the agency .
28 With the result that , to this day , the guys spend a lot of the service in a kind of crouching position .
29 ‘ Susie seems to leave everything in a mess these days , even though she knows I care a lot about the way the flat looks .
30 What I want to cover now is a type of network that we study a lot in the computer architecture group and I 've been working with for years and years and years erm called the N tuple network .
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