Example sentences of "[det] contribution to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Thus one of the main considerations of the research will be to make some contribution to the task of developing a more sophisticated literary sociology .
2 The Road Traffic Act of 1933 obliges motorists or their insurance company to make some contribution to the expenses of treating the victims of an accident if the driver is liable .
3 Persons receiving legal aid should make such contribution to the cost of legal services as they are deemed able to afford having regard to their resources .
4 yeah ten for the left and ninety for the right and the reason we talked about this and the way that 's involved in communication is that we said well if there 's a lot more power or a lot more contribution to the design of what we 're doing of a spatial nature and that is how the the audience 's brain work more powerfully in the spatial nature let's present what we have let's design it and then deliver it as close to a spatial nature as we can okay .
5 Holders have no voting rights and can not make any contribution to the management of the corporation except in extremis when they can force liquidation if their contractual income has not been paid .
6 You can back one party or another to win the election , or bet on men arriving from outer space , without having to make any contribution to the costs of the election campaign or the necessary expenses of the men from outer space .
7 We can all make our own contribution to the success of the United Kingdom ; and we must keep that kingdom united .
8 First his own contribution to the definition of the Created God would be destroyed , and then the evolutionary contribution which produced the human body , and which is acclaimed wholly good , would follow .
9 These interviews were to be used partly to obtain or confirm information about the sufferer but also to examine the carer 's own contribution to the care of the sufferer ; his or her physical and emotional well-being ; feelings about or attitudes to the sufferer , towards his/her own involvement , and towards the sufferer 's continued residence in the community .
10 Thus , they will make little contribution to the probability of the particle 's going from A to B. But the numbers from the straight paths will add up with the numbers from paths that are almost straight .
11 In recent years , despondently , they have concluded ‘ that questions about what the sampo was can never be satisfactorily answered and that even if they could , an answer would probably make little contribution to the understanding of the poems ’ .
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