Example sentences of "[det] degree [prep] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In practice however the complexity of language is such that no generative grammar has come anywhere near providing this degree of coverage of the language .
2 At first sight this degree of fluidity in the Japanese labour market sits uneasily with the presumption that employment is for life because this would make wages a quasi-fixed cost .
3 Given this degree of disenchantment with the classical system , teachers of the law of contract must recognize that the organizing principles are shifting .
4 Given this degree of ambiguity in the chronological indicators , it certainly can not be regarded as out of the question that Oswiu died and Ecgfrith became king in the early months of 671 .
5 as a general erm guideline chairman , the Greater York study area has a some degree of consistency with the outer boundary erm of the York greenbelt which is generally around about six miles erm from the Greater York er er from from the City Centre .
6 It would be unreasonable to expect easy co-operative motion along the entire polymer chain , but as there is normally some degree of flexibility in the chain , local segmental motion can take place more readily .
7 The debate has also failed to question the way that union education is organised , particularly where ‘ service organisations ’ with some degree of independence from the unions and from the state are concerned .
8 In the countryside the timing of feasts , festivals , fairs and wakes was determined largely by the farming calendar and there was a degree of integration between the rhythms of work and those of leisure , leading Thompson to suggest some degree of anachronism in the use by historians of the word " leisure " .
9 The most extreme of these predator species are comparable with the breakage caused by the small mammalian carnivores ( Andrews & Evans , 1983 ) , with some degree of overlap with the carnivores like mongooses and genets that do least amount of damage .
10 It was reported that Samater , the outgoing Prime Minister , was reappointed only after the failure of efforts to bring into the post someone from the Issak tribe , whose appointment could suggest some degree of reconciliation in the civil war .
11 So physically you will be exercising some degree of supervision during the evening will you ?
12 Armed with some or , very rarely , all of the above resources , presidents may achieve some degree of mastery over the American political system .
13 The resources required by the procedure have been identified , and some degree of interconnection between the envisaged sub-systems is apparent , mainly involving the transfer of information .
14 In the event that a company should fail , in spite of this scrutiny , policy-holders have some degree of protection under the Policy-holders ' Protection Act 1975 .
15 Active tenants ' and residents ' committees in your block or area are a good sign : they give you a point of contact with neighbours and usually mean that your environment is afforded some degree of protection by the efforts of these people .
16 The Ehrenreichs do accept that there is some degree of division within the professional-managerial class .
17 This is probably true of all human beings irrespective of culture and simply means that some degree of maturation of the ego must occur at around the age of seven even if the culture does not choose that moment for the installation of the superego .
18 However , alterations were more often than not effected with some degree of sympathy for the existing fabric and atmosphere .
19 Held , allowing the appeal , that , where a creditor knew that security was being taken for the benefit of a debtor from a surety who was likely to be influenced by and to have some degree of reliance on the debtor , the creditor should seek to ensure that unfair advantage was not taken of the surety ; that , if the creditor failed to do so and the surety 's consent to the transaction was procured by the debtor 's undue influence or material misrepresentation or the surety lacked an adequate understanding of the nature and effect of the transaction , the security would be unenforceable ; that the bank knew that the defendants were husband and wife and that the wife was being asked to provide security for the husband 's business and was likely to rely on his judgment , and they should have ensured that she understood the nature and effect of the document which she was asked to sign ; and that , since the bank had failed to do so and had left it to the husband to explain the transaction , so that as a result of the husband 's misrepresentation the wife entered into the charge on the misunderstanding that her liability was limited to £60,000 , they could not enforce the charge against the wife save to the extent of £60,000 ( post , pp. 620C–G , 622F — 623C , D–F , 635G — 636F ) .
20 The background to all of this is knowledge on the part of the creditor that security is being taken from the surety for the benefit of the debtor and that the surety is a person who is likely to be influenced by and to have some degree of reliance on the debtor .
21 Such a system may provide fairly stable exchange rates for the development of world trade and yet still permit some degree of adjustment via the exchange rate .
22 The system survived the new depression of 1979–81 and succeeded in creating some degree of stability by the later 1980s , though not without many problems .
23 Although the number of dementing elderly people was very small , the researchers concluded that , although these clients posed particularly great care problems , ‘ there was some degree of success in the establishment and maintenance of care and reduction of risk through a more structured approach ’ ( Challis , 1988 ) .
24 The attempt to build a broad Jacobite alliance of disaffected Whigs and Tories around Country principles met with some degree of success in the early 1690s .
25 But even if this is your situation it is important to establish some degree of self-sufficiency from the outset to help you become stronger and happier eventually .
26 There was some degree of goodwill toward the Soviet Union as a wartime ally .
27 A doctor of medicine is in the same social class as a company director but is more likely than the director to be accorded some degree of deference by the local community .
28 With so much data being reported for so many pollutants and with the news media and control agencies employing diverse terms to describe air quality , some degree of confusion to the public is inevitable .
29 In fact , even a duckling raised by a farmyard hen goes ‘ quack ’ , rather than ‘ cluck ’ , maybe occasioning some degree of confusion in the hen house !
30 Some degree of collaboration in the Malimbus was predictable from comparative studies of other avian families where collaboration in incubation and rearing associate with K conditions .
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