Example sentences of "[det] sort of [noun sg] over [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And that gives you some sort of hold over me ? ’
2 You think I 'm trying to get you into bed so I can have some sort of hold over you .
3 ‘ I did n't do that to prove some sort of mastery over you , ’ he said evenly , and she drew in her breath sharply , wondering if he read her mind .
4 To prove that you had some sort of power over me ? ’
5 It made her feel as if he still had some sort of claim over her , and she really hated and resented that .
6 Then he seemed to get some sort of control over himself again .
7 The most important thing to understand here is that people try to re-establish some sort of control over their situation .
8 She turned her hot face into the pillows and tried to get some sort of control over her heartbeats .
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