Example sentences of "[det] sort [prep] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Hope you managed to get some sort of break over the weekend and that you 're not too behind on schedule — it 'll probably pick up later on in the shoot !
2 Try to retain some sort of control over an emotional matter and expect partners to behave unpredictably and thoughtlessly .
3 planning applications , erm the sort of locational aspects are important , the the existing policy in the structure plan did have some sort of control over the the number of jobs , but it 's as as David Potter has said , it 's been very difficult to monitor er the level of jobs being provided , and in practice it 's been really impossible to implement that aspect of of the policy .
4 I 'm at the moment chairing a university working party on sexual harassment erm and what this working party erm intends to do is to try to survey experience gathered from the operation of codes and the appointment of people in college with a special responsibility for this sort of thing over the past few years , to see what we can learn from experience , so I 'd want to reserve judgement at the moment on what this committee might recommend is the best way forwards .
5 Drew another sort of curtain over the air ,
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