Example sentences of "[det] may be true [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This may be true of the common-or-garden use of the word idea , but when a philosopher like John Locke says that a man is not speaking intelligibly unless his words ‘ excite the same ideas in the hearer which he makes them stand for in speaking ‘ i it is not just a way of talking .
2 This may be true for the nuclear industry and for the utility that owns the Three Mile Island ( TMI ) power station , but in terms of the physical harm done to the public , the TMI accident proved to be virtually a non-event .
3 This may be true at the population genetic level , but it tells us absolutely nothing about the developmental complexity of the process itself .
4 This may be true in the rise of European nationalism , although the need for a uniform language arises also because of the competition between States and therefore the drive to establish single national markets .
5 The same may be true of the Prinias horsemen , but the relief there is rather low , and an alternative is that they turn their eyes on us as guardians of the house : the ‘ terror-mask ’ , a concept we shall meet again .
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