Example sentences of "[det] include a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This includes a concern with the distinction between periods of major structural change and other periods , and a concern with cyclical patterns .
2 This includes a book on the concept of causality , transcripts of dictations by Wittgenstein dating from the early 1930s , and a quantity of poems and aphorisms in which Waismann despaired about other philosophers and life in England .
3 This included a test of the new British government 's policy on both the European Coal and Steel and the Defence Communities .
4 There there was a very substantial increase in ninet ninety ninety-one , and I 'm happy to say that , all but two of those projects have been fully funded by sponsors , and in fact , our policy now , and this is operated from the the first of April this year , is that all projects shall be fully funded by sponsors , and that includes a contribution to the overheads that erm , the projects incur .
5 These included a change in the constitutional status of the province so as to make it subordinate to Serbia , the imposition of Serbocroatian as the official language , the dismissal from the Kosovo government of ‘ Albanian chauvinists ’ and of Serbian ‘ opportunists and careerists ’ , and the return to Kosovo of Serbian emigrants ( NIN , 9 November 1986 ) .
6 These included a translation of the Romanian poet Eminescu ( 1930 ) , and the autobiographical The Suffragette Movement , published in 1931 .
7 These include a consideration of the history of the migratory process , the impact of returnees and migrant remittances , the consequences of various international aid projects , and of the way in which Pakistan 's economy as a whole has become increasingly dependent on migrant remittances .
8 These include a Service to the Community , Care of the Elderly , Conservation or Theoretical courses ranging from stamp collecting to art appreciation .
9 These include a booklet on the Dewey system for use in libraries by staff and students , a study skills booklet for teachers and a user-education video tape produced by a sixth-form college .
10 These include a version of the Sea Eagle , which British Aerospace is developing to arm RAF Tornado aircraft and Royal Navy sea Harriers ; the MM.40 long-range variant of Exocet ; the McDonnell Douglas Harpoon from the US ; and the Franco-Italian Otomat .
11 The former includes a recognition of the conflict in schools between socialisation and the fostering of the autonomy of the individual , as well as the political and social assumptions and values implied in the curriculum .
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