Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [be] bind to be " in BNC.

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1 the district judge held that each defendant was bound to be found negligent .
2 Walking during this heatwave was bound to be warm work and I was determined to avoid sandwiches of chalk and modelling clay .
3 ‘ Even if you woke the child up to clean his or her teeth , some sugar is bound to be retained on or between the teeth . ’
4 This patient was bound to be extremely distressed at finding that a male doctor had forcibly touched her intimately .
5 Any such classification is bound to be somewhat arbitrary and , as Willett acknowledges , many groups can be placed in more than one category .
6 After Tommy any change was bound to be for the worse , but really !
7 By its nature , the service sector of any economy is bound to be an inflationary part of that economy .
8 What these sins were Roger of Howden does not tell us and any guess is bound to be a subjective one , reflecting upon ourselves and upon our age rather than upon Richard 's behaviour .
9 Most action was bound to be like this — a span , long or short , in which one did nothing — could do nothing except be at the mercy of one 's nerves — and then the moment , the test …
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