Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [noun] appear to [be] " in BNC.

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1 One interpretation was based on the fact that in each case memory appeared to be best for situations which accorded with the subjects ’ expectations about the junction , an attempt to test this was made by considering subjects ’ ratings for how normal the situation was .
2 From this standpoint racism appears to be a matter of individual prejudice which , even when institutionalized , is ultimately sustained by the attitudes and actions of racists .
3 At this juncture Brenda appears to be unsure of the word called by one of the players .
4 In this respect CCW appears to be no different , although we hope it will greatly strengthen political support in Wales for the need to conserve and use natural resources sustainably .
5 In this connection thought appears to be divided almost on a national basis , English authors having resorted freely to the assumption that the sea is capable of cutting wide platforms in their interpretation of high level terraces , while American and continental authorities have been much more inclined to doubt whether the sea can cut a very wide bench unless there is progressive drowning of the land or unless the sea is merely trimming up a subaerial surface .
6 The major reason for this is that exchange markets appear to be fairly volatile , and therefore governments have required large reserves of foreign currencies to moderate unwanted fluctuations in the exchange value of their currencies .
7 However , such reduction pronunciations appear to be necessary in order to access and represent alternative alignments ( e.g. a name for … /and aim for ) .
8 These BSL interpreters appeared to be using only a single register , and this corresponded to a signed version closely tied to the English of the original message .
9 Well you 'll see that in that apology Milton appears to be conscious of the very point that I am trying to make , that is to say it might be considered out of place in this prose work to speak of myself in direct factual terms , although a poet — a poet intending to write of things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme — a poet soaring in the high region of his fancies , with his garland and singing robes about him , in other words where we ca n't or are n't really invited to make out his individual identity very clearly because it is his role as poet that concerns us , there he clearly feels it would be proper .
10 Wider access for adults is being advocated but , compared with courses in the arts or social sciences , many science courses appear to be less flexible in their entry requirements .
11 Most auction companies appear to be waiting until the transfer legislation is in place before they too offer sheep quota — and they expect most of 1993 trading to concentrate on leasing .
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