Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [conj] i believe [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The 32-year-old Londoner has yet to secure a contract with the team for 1994 , and after finishing second to fellow Williams ' driver Alain Prost in yesterday 's opening qualifying session , said : ‘ I have had a fantastic opportunity with this team and I believe they will be the team to beat again next year .
2 Well the question as far as inset er is concerned , we 've we 've already touched on this morning and I believe it was discussed yesterday .
3 Hall said : ‘ We must get up this season and I believe we will .
4 However , I have excluded this idea as I believe it to be too far fetched .
5 ‘ It is a risk , but it 's something I have wanted to do for some time and I believe it is feasible .
6 We have got a well established machinery instituted , we work under that auspices and I believe it is not unreasonable to ask for a substantial wage increase , because after all , a lot of our members depend on family income supplement and rents and rates rebates .
7 During the course of er this meeting you will hear from the Chairman and the Honorary Treasurer and we may well cover an enormous amount of the grounds that is relevant to you as commodores , members and officers of the Association and it might be worth , I am going to avoid what he 's trying to avoid most of that area because I believe they cover it in greater detail and give you more of an opportunity to find out precisely what 's been going on .
8 I am extremely playful in that sense and I believe it 's the only form of fun possible in a world which is n't always much fun .
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