Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [art] period [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Travel agents and tour operators often make back to back reservations which means that certain accommodation is booked over a period of time and as one group of guests depart another group takes their place .
2 Allowance will be made for the early payment of a lump sum to the employer which he would have earned over a period of time .
3 Such a selection policy is clearly professionally and publicly unacceptable , from any political grouping , and if pursued over a period of time , will surely replace education with propaganda as one of the purposes of the public library service .
4 Where , well where er disruptive selection i i i is very huge differences between men , male and female and this was then accentuated over a period of time
5 Furthermore measurement has usually to be made over a period of time .
6 Police believe the tape was made over a period of time .
7 Ironically , very often it is conservation policies , successfully applied over a period of time , that have made the centre a more attractive investment to owners and increased the value of properties .
8 Where information , particularly of a detailed nature , is to be collected over a period of time the panel has clear attractions .
9 He hat eventually decided to ask Security 's registry and its computers for a trace muddling the trail by getting a colleague to send the request for him and burying it in a list of acronyms as if they had been collected over a period of time .
10 Answer guide : To provide a guide to the way in which a business has performed over a period of time .
11 In addition to exploring the influences upon arrears , this approach will allow the course of arrears to be traced over a period of time .
12 In practice , low potencies are usually prescribed over a period of time , whereas high potencies are classically administered as the single dose .
13 sustained over a period of time .
14 Precedent 3 is a framework agreement governing the continuous supply of goods under a number of orders placed over a period of time .
15 The first is that being spread over a period of time which began before the Armada , included the civil war and Commonwealth , and finished only after the accession of William of Orange , they are an unrivalled source of information on the changing status of many local families .
16 Because of the size of block used , laying is an easy job which can be spread over a period of time .
17 In the case of production contracts , which will be repeated over a period of time , pricing is sometimes based on historical rates with the learning curve applied to reduce them year by year .
18 Er improvement schemes and measures were identified and have been implemented over a period of time .
19 Such mixture of affective psychosis and schizophrenia may be revealed in changes in the symptom profile that are observed when the person is studied over a period of time , or it may be evident within a single episode of illness .
20 This name was changed over a period of time to the name we know today , Rottweil .
21 To what extent have ideas , movements and institutions changed over a period of time ( a ) in form ( b ) in substance ?
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