Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] less [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Manufacturing , which had been the leading sector in 1989 , was expected to be less significant in 1990 , with a world fall in demand for computer hardware .
2 ( The privately rented sector has low values for a number of reasons : it contains a larger non-married proportion , and the form of stock is often considered to be less suitable for childrearing .
3 Hydrochlorofluorocarbons , or HCFCs , break down more quickly in the stratosphere and are therefore considered to be less damaging to the ozone layer .
4 Since only a limited number of hypotheses could be tested prospectively , other potential risk factors , such as a previous history of slow ulcer healing , were tested exploratorily either because it was not felt necessary to confirm their reported effect on healing or because they were considered to be less important to ulcer healing .
5 The programme is thought to be less successful in Zimbabwe , since the denser vegetation means that poachers may not be able to see that the animal has no horn until they have already shot it .
6 General Noriega tried to isolate opposition within the military after a similar coup attempt last year by promoting loyal officers to the important Strategic Military Council and General Staff , and retiring those thought to be less enthusiastic in their support of him .
7 However , n-gram techniques have been shown to be less effective for the present project than word-lookup methods , as they fail to exploit letter-level constraints to the same extent [ Wells , 1989 ] .
8 If it is to do this in a more precise , less trade-distorting way , it is bound to be less helpful to big and efficient farms than to small ones .
9 A stand-up , straight-backed style has proved to be less effective against professional opponents although Biggs claims that attempts to make him more aggressive were counter-productive against Tyson .
10 Notice , however , that although we may have views on the social class distribution of [ ta ; ] deletion ( it can be readily observed to be less common in middle-class Belfast English ) , social class is at this stage an external category .
11 Although he might perhaps have done better to observe Wittgenstein 's adage , ‘ Whereof one can not speak , thereon one must be silent ’ , one can not help regretting that he has not tried to be less vague about the nature of personal growth .
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