Example sentences of "[vb pp] all [prep] [art] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The recently launched G M B , T and G information pack on the acquired rights directive has been well received all over the country and a revised pack is available here at Congress today , giving negotiators and stewards the latest information and arguments to use to protect members ' jobs and conditions .
2 The Museum , although having a modern exterior , was originally built around a Moorish bath-house Commemorative plaques of the Rock 's historical past have been posted all over the streets and buildings .
3 Savings groups were formed all over the country and children ran their own campaigns in schools .
4 Sea fish would be caught all around the coast and estuaries , perhaps for most of the year , and traded some distance inland .
5 But even when there were teams of twenty or thirty workmen ‘ tripping over each other ’ , as Laura told a friend , with beds scattered all over the place and no curtains , ‘ it still has a very romantic atmosphere ’ .
6 The impact is felt all over the profession and not just by the larger firms .
7 Bottle bins and cages for newspapers and cardboard have been positioned all over the centre and the scheme will be inaugurated at 2pm on June 17 .
8 Cupboards and shelves were built all round the room and concealed behind neat panels of canvas-covered wood , with touch-opening mechanisms so as not to break the continuity of the limited space .
9 His work has been sold all over the world and he recently held a successful one-man exhibition in Paris .
10 These circumstances are mirrored all over the country and are linked with the lack of a firm policy framework at school , local authority and national level .
11 She will be shown all around the hospice and meet patients and staff , ’ said Lady Miriam .
12 Above that a heavy mantle is wrapped all round the body and brought over the head .
13 Metal castings were exported all over the world and an industrial proletariat developed very early .
14 At midnight the church bells are sounded all over the city and the sky is full of all varieties of fireworks .
15 Nevertheless , in the late 1960s , mini-skirts were distributed all over the world and could be ( if preserved ) the index fossil for that epoch .
16 Dormice used to be found all over the Midlands and South of England .
17 ‘ Do n't be so modest , Archie , ’ said Robins , adding for my benefit , ‘ The colonel is responsible for all manner of things — the daily radio link — ‘ the sked ’ as it 's known all over the Pacific-crime and punishment , what happens if the electricity breaks down . ’
18 The result of committing the breach would be known all over the neighbourhood and seriously affect the value of the premises .
19 This massive , muscular breed is now known all over the world and over the last quarter of a century it has seen herdbooks or breed societies established in 24 countries in addition to France ( Argentina , Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Denmark , Finland , Germany , Hungary , Ireland , Japan , Mexico , the Netherlands , Norway , Paraguay , Portugal , South Africa , Spain , Sweden , the UK , the USSR , the USA , Uruguay and Zimbabwe ) .
20 national account manager who 's specifically looks after and then go and see on a regular basis but call on them but invariably the accounts that those account managers deal with at erm will be split all round the country and will be controlled by our local sales executives in those areas
21 ‘ Tell me , were you taken all over the house and grounds to make your survey or whatever you do ? ’
22 By January of 1802 a fence of quick had been planted all round the site and John Wing reported that the foundations were dug out and in part laid .
23 Splashed all over the press and shown nightly on French television , the Raid Gauloises became an overnight sensation — but in France only .
24 Picking his way over the diarrhoea , which had splattered all over the ground and avoiding the frantically flailing hooves of the shocked , utterly terrified , pony , Raimundo grasped her headcollar and , aided by Umberto and the other grooms , yanked her to her feet .
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