Example sentences of "[vb pp] [det] sort of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As far as I am aware this is the first time any Irish rider has received this sort of gift from Honda . ’
2 ‘ Those things must have implanted some sort of image in their mind , stimulated the right emotions to make them do it . ’
3 The inclusion of ‘ subsidiarity ’ in the Maastricht Treaty on European Union has been presented as a great victory for those who wanted to see the centralising , Federalist and irrevocable proposals of the Treaty given some sort of counterbalance for the rights of the nation state .
4 gone to their GP 's , and often have been given some sort of medicine for their depression but have n't had the counselling side of things dealt with and they 've just been given re-prescriptions , not necessarily seen every time for a re-prescription .
5 Then we were confined to our rooms as the Corporals organised some sort of excuse for the Sergeants and Sergeant-Major .
6 Committed some sort of crime against America ?
7 yeah but I mean , I it , I when I 'm fucking pissed , I ca n't sober , that 's why I probably think they 're , they 're not pulling a plonker cos I 've done that sort of thing in the past had me fucking climbing on bikes , swinging off the side of the building .
8 ‘ Let's just say that the CRO have done that sort of thing before and it was all over very quickly !
9 Having worked as an agent , I always take care of Dire straits ' concert bookings and I have made that sort of mistake with them .
10 We would tread very carefully but we have done this sort of thing before and we would try and make him realise just what he 's doing to himself . ’
11 Though he was the descendant of a family who had done this sort of task for generation after generation , George nevertheless made it look as though he were acting .
12 Made some sort of mark by which she could be remembered .
13 I assume that you have already made some sort of shortlist from the names supplied ?
14 Ah 've seen this sort of thin' in the Mediterranean , but not as erotic . ’
15 What can an Alumni offer , beyond what we are trying to deliver , except entry to anyone who has ever done any sort of course at Salford ?
16 She would have liked to have had that sort of relationship with her own father , only he had died , and her uncle had definitely had no affinity with the great outdoors .
17 And there we are putting it into a three or four year old 's hand something that 's erm got that sort of temperature round it .
18 The stone circles appear to have had some sort of tradition of dancing , perhaps associated with these key times .
19 The only conclusion that can be drawn from the above correspondence is that Stirling must have had some sort of operation in mind using parachutes during the period when he was returning from his second visit to Sirte .
20 ‘ Have you had some sort of accident with your clothes ? ’ she enquired politely .
21 Stories and legends may have offered some sort of introduction to the more distant past , but it may well be necessary to use one of the school designed local history units as a " bridging " unit to work backwards in time , in a series of leaps , in order to bridge the chasm between history within living memory ( which will have been the natural focus for much work at Key Stage 1 ) and distant periods such as the age of Ancient Egyptians or Romans .
22 I was going to say that , I mean if we do do that why do n't we move to a position when , I know it 's not finalized yet , the P As do the twenty six fives , and we try and adapt Sarah to do the whole s the whole of the four sub teams , ma maybe the threshold has to come down a bit , but but at least we 've got some sort of parity of working throughout
23 got some sort of sale on
24 Since he has shown this sort of network to be discernible in a wide range of different kinds of poetry , and since it is hard to imagine that it could also be found in non-poetic language , there seems to be a strong prima facie case for accepting his argument that the principle of equivalence provides an objective criterion for identifying the poetic function .
25 Until comparatively recently English vineyards had never had any sort of reputation for producing fine wines .
26 If confirmed , the news suggested that the Tamil Tigers had reached some sort of agreement with the IPKF and the Jaffna-based TNA .
27 Instead of conceiving what had taken place as the best that could be managed in the circumstances , the Treaty had become some sort of model of what needed , come hell or high water , to be put into effect .
28 I was too young to have become any sort of model of endurance .
29 Also , if you have a cat and you want to let it out , you could at least provided some sort of warning for the prey , so that the prey has a better chance of escaping ; such as a bell around the neck for example .
30 After a period of apparent — and perhaps misleading — political stability in the first twenty-five years following the Second World War , the 1970s seem to have marked some sort of turning-point for the British political system .
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