Example sentences of "[vb pp] [adv prt] all over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You see it written down all over the place incorrectly .
2 Yeah I know but they do n't turn up and you get all tangled up all over the place
3 A huge cast of characters — each of whom are given intermeshing chapters to narrate the US perspective on the mess and sacrifice of World War Two — is flung out all over the globe .
4 Figures for 1991 reveal that this sort of tradgedy is being played out all over the south of England .
5 Ethno-religious conflicts have sprung up all over the world in recent years .
6 ‘ Something like 90,000 acres of trees per minute are being chopped down all over the world , ’ contributed Lydia off the top of her head .
7 Although Wilhelm 's army was no match for the total power of the Waaagh , Grom 's forces were split up all over the Empire into many small armies .
8 So I go back and I 'm standing in the doorway , and there 's this kid on the bed and he 's thrown up all over the cover and now he 's starting to shake .
9 It 's one of hundreds being put up all over the country and residents say it was put there without planning permission or consultation .
10 Her clothes were spread out all over the bed , and at first she could n't figure out what they were doing there .
11 or to Jesus and to confuse their language that they may not listen to one another 's language and accordingly Jehovah scattered them from there over all the surface of the earth so , and that was God 's purpose for them to be er spread out all over the earth cos God knew that city life would only break down and all these centuries have passed since then and there 's urgent proof throughout the year , the cities , the cities do n't work so God had his own way , give it , the one , his way is the only one that works and thus when we pray for this king of
12 Very bumpy , with small wheels you get thrown around all over the place
13 With a £250,000 advance under his belt , Mr Seth has created a best-seller and with rights being snapped up all over the world he is well on his way to becoming a millionaire .
14 As I went upstairs I thought how much I hated being shoved around all over the place .
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