Example sentences of "[vb pp] [conj] the [noun sg] is able " in BNC.

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1 This gave rise to the ‘ fine-tuning hypothesis ’ which suggested that learning opportunities are maximised if the adult is able to ‘ fine tune ’ her speech so that its structural complexity is always slightly in advance of that of the child .
2 The point must not , however , be missed that the Host is able to grasp a moral point made in the tale .
3 The description of feelings and emotions are so well portrayed that the reader is able to feel with the character at every twist and turn of their lives .
4 In return the companies are assured that the association is able to extend its resources and concentrate on developments which take account of the longer term interests of the industry and those who work in it .
5 A similar result may be achieved if the practitioner is able to use the cash accounting scheme , although he may thereby defer any input recovery if he does not pay his suppliers promptly .
6 Lieberson in a powerful and detailed critique of experimental thinking in social research , after all one of the cornerstones of variable analysis , argues that although most data in social research are non-experimental in origin , they are " treated as if they were truly experimental data … sliced , chopped , beaten , molded , baked , and finally artificially coloured until the researcher is able to serve us proudly with a plateful of mock experiment " .
7 But the promise of the student 's higher education is realized when the student is able to raise him or herself out of that state of ‘ delight ’ ( to borrow again from Marjorie Reeves ) and to reflect on what he or she is doing and thinking .
8 It has been held that the court is able to order a sale of mortgaged property against the lender 's wishes even though the mortgage will not be redeemed by the proceeds , if it would be unfair to the borrowers to postpone a sale ( p 100 ) .
9 Gradually more and more refinement of the behaviour is required until the child is able to complete it without the model .
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