Example sentences of "[adv] aware that [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Lunch was served in a banqueting hall of extravagant dimensions and grandeur , and Folly ate ravenously , suddenly aware that she had eaten nothing since her lunch the day before .
2 Seconds later she was suddenly aware that he had drawn gently away , and her eyes flew open in shock as she felt his firm hand untangling her fingers from his hair .
3 Chapman was painfully aware that he had underestimated the task at Walsall .
4 Jehan was scarcely aware that he had spoken the words aloud .
5 For a moment Theda stood where he had left her , hardly aware that he had gone .
6 She was instantly aware that she 'd over-reacted as she saw the expression on his face .
7 ‘ How was I supposed to know ? ’ he said , instantly aware that he had acted too hastily because he had been so angry with her .
8 ‘ All right , ’ I had said listlessly , disconcerting my mother considerably , since I was perfectly aware that she had expected me to turn down this preposterous proposal with as much intractability as I had turned down the others .
9 She was also dimly aware that they had passed the point of no return — now she had allowed him inside her it seemed wrong to yell at him to stop or begin fighting him .
10 She was dimly aware that he had undone the ribbon ties of her bikini top , and she arched up towards him , mutely begging for the touch of his mouth on her naked breasts .
11 Many of the players in the Olympic cricket match were n't even aware that they 'd taken part in the Olympic Games at all .
12 She had not done this deliberately ; she was not even aware that she had done it .
13 and she 'll go and get the milk out and say I 've just got myself a glass of milk mum , oh right , okay not even aware that she 's gone out to the fridge you know , fair enough we say ah , you do n't do you ?
14 We have been responsible for launching our children into life and are well aware that we have made the usual crop of mistakes , even though we have tried our hardest to do what is best for them .
15 Like most others who managed to remain — tolerantly and understandingly — friends of Hopper 's , Fonda and Nicholson were well aware that he had suffered disappointment after disappointment during the mid-Sixties .
16 In fact , Mr Shiratori has been one of Japan 's representative 's on the IASC since 1984 and is well versed in all the issues ; he is also well aware that he has taken up the reins of office at a critical time for the IASC .
17 Delaunay was himself profoundly aware that he had evolved a new kind of painting and he communicated his discoveries to Apollinaire with whom he had become very friendly .
18 Even as the intoxicating thought shimmered through her mind , he opened his eyes and she flinched , horribly aware that he 'd caught her staring .
19 ‘ Ven ! ’ she whispered , and was barely aware that they had moved to the darkened area of her bedroom .
20 Brought down to earth with a bang , I sheepishly confessed , not yet aware that I had found my spiritual home .
21 She was acutely aware that she had burnt her boats .
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