Example sentences of "[adv] difficult [to-vb] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
2 All we can say is that logical , easily perceptible solutions are always preferable to enigmatic ones , which may have forms so difficult to perceive that to the listener they seem formless .
3 The development value of St. Andrews square bus station is extremely difficult to assess because in the last year alone commercial property values in the centre of Edinburgh have literally doubled .
4 Politically , any alternative would obviously have been extremely difficult to implement while among the economists in the Economic Section the allure of Keynesian economics easily distracted attention from microeconomic problems and the need to understand how economic institutions actually worked .
5 The academic course is extremely difficult to characterise because of the multiplicity of higher education courses taken by future language teachers ; and it is becoming more so , as the predominance of the ‘ traditional ’ literature course is weakened .
6 English is , of course , not a tone language , and the function of tone is much more difficult to define than in a tone language .
7 Agreement on that process was more difficult to reach than on the technology , according to one of the six .
8 The combination of town , gown and countryside mean that the result here is more difficult to call because of the much practised ploy of tactical voting .
9 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
10 While this approach might appear to be the treatment of choice for many adolescent self-poisoners , in practice , family therapy is often difficult to establish because of the reluctance of some family members to become involved .
11 In addition , questions of quality in the British context are particularly difficult to answer because of the complexity and range of services provided by the NHS and the wide-ranging but incomplete responsibilities health authorities have for the health of their populations .
12 So , so sort of technically , politically that would have been quite difficult to do because of the manpower involved etcetera
13 These systems worked well but were very difficult to justify because of the high cost of the equipment and low value of the savings ( being mostly space savings from removing filing cabinets ) .
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