Example sentences of "[adv] it is possible that the " in BNC.

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1 So it is possible that the β -sheet that is present near physiological pH is disrupted at low pH .
2 So it is possible that the difference between Mill and Bentham here is merely apparent .
3 So it is possible that the short-run agents in the model over estimate the long term agent 's type after a particular sequence of shocks and subsequently revise this estimate downwards .
4 Thus it is possible that the chronic alcoholism reported in some socialist utopias in the East may have the same psychological roots as that so vividly described by the Spanish chroniclers of Inca Peru .
5 Already it is possible that the GDR 's National People 's Army ( NVA ) has displaced the LWP as the chief recipient of Soviet favour ( and of advanced front-line equipment ) .
6 Nonetheless it is possible that the general relationship between response criterion bias and normality ratings reflects the operation of some form of schema at retrieval .
7 But surely it is possible that the women 's assessments might just as well have reflected their awareness of sex stereotypes and their consequent desire to fulfil ‘ normal ’ expectations that women talk ‘ better ’ .
8 If Saddam Hussein is easily defeated , if the show is a success , and the war does not lose its current popular appeal , then it is possible that the United States , Britain , Israel and Saudi Arabia will establish a permanent military presence in the Gulf .
9 Consequently it is possible that the slowing eroding plateau summit could actually increase in elevation as a result of the erosional unloading along the escarpment ( Fig. 4.7(B) ) .
10 This is because the liberalization process in Japan occurred simultaneously with that elsewhere and therefore it is possible that the variable may also capture any previously rationed investments from other localities .
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