Example sentences of "[adv] it be [adv] unlikely that " in BNC.

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1 Er erm July , er June is erm , according to Chris 's seasonality figures , normally about erm twelve percent higher than the mean , erm so if they 'll take the mean at about , at being about three hundred and fifty , you know we 're looking at a figure of somewhere just over four hundred for July , as opposed to last July which was erm I think five er four hundred and ninety four complaints in the month , so it 's very unlikely that that output figure will continue going up next month .
2 Mr Gorbachev may not have the authority to send Soviet troops to non-Russian parts of his own country at this point , so it 's very unlikely that he could or would try to send ground forces to the Persian Gulf .
3 The chateau of Vincennes had no theatre , thus it is very unlikely that there was any kind of a pit from which the musicians could have played .
4 However , if you have not reached a good ‘ A ’ level standard in mathematics , then it is very unlikely that you will be able to cope with the actuarial examinations .
5 Of course this qualification is unlikely to hold , and indeed it is also unlikely that prices differing from marginal costs in various other sectors are easily correctable .
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