Example sentences of "[adv] though [pers pn] [verb] no [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With rumours circulating that the club is in danger of folding after a century of existence following the destruction of their Normanby Road headquarters , press officer Les Crossman said : ‘ We are adamant that the club will keep going , even though we have no money .
2 Even though we have no record of how this was communicated to 5 Corps , we assume that in view of the urgency of the situation , the decision was passed on from HQ Eighth Army by telephone .
3 Every middle-class employee is certainly not a member of the bourgeoisie , but most sociologists would also feel that the middle class are not true proletarians either , even though they own no wealth .
4 People who are not subject to the authority of the law may then obey the rules for prudential reasons , or because even though they have no duty to obey , disobedience will do more harm than good .
5 Given the lack of development in many rural areas it is not surprising that the dependency of rural workers on agriculture for employment has remained , nor that so many school-leavers take a job on the land even though they have no intention of remaining there if the choice to leave should present itself .
6 Dawn was advised that she might obtain more money if she went to court , but she felt that this would be too hard for her emotionally , even though she had no memory of the accident or indeed of the friend who had died .
7 In Daly v General Steam Navigation Co Ltd [ 1981 ] 1 WLR 120 the plaintiff housewife was awarded damages for the cost of future help as a measure of damages for her crippled arm even though she had no help up to trial and might have struggled on without it .
8 Artemis did her best not to burst out laughing once more , even though she had no food in her mouth .
9 Observing that Tschudi can be shown to have made keyboards with ‘ skunktail ’ sharps ( quite exceptionally on the 1766 instruments for Frederick the Great ) , Dale rashly conjectures that the instrument seen in the Mercier portrait might be by Tschudi even though it bears no resemblance to the 1729 harpsichord or anything that subsequently emerged from the Meard Street or Great Pultney Street workshops .
10 This was always termed ‘ the dresser ’ even though it had no back of its own ; china was stored there , cups and jugs hanging from hooks .
11 Nevertheless , the tendon developed in the right place even though it had no muscle to which it could attach .
12 Only the RIBA is standing somewhat aloof , even though it has no chance of funding a new ‘ architecture centre ’ , intended to house the splendid Drawings Collection at its Portland Place headquarters .
13 Education performs political , social , as well as economic functions and it is thus too important to be made the slave to the needs of the economy even though it has no option but to be its servant .
14 The logic of individual rationality makes the arms race game theoretically stable , even though it makes no sense as a joint choice by the two players .
15 The most celebrated of all the northern constellations is distinctive even though it contains no star as bright as the first magnitude .
16 Anthony Scrivener referred to the Bill as unique in jurisprudence because a defendant can be guilty of the aggravated offence even though he does no other act than commit the basic offence , and the event which makes the crime aggravated is outside his or her control .
17 If a person assaults another who turns out to be a policeman , he can he convicted of assaulting a constable in the execution of his duty even though he had no knowledge that the other was a policeman , or even the means of such knowledge .
18 So it was not surprising that George found that nobody would accept the dangerously exposed position of Prime Minister and that Pitt was indispensable even though he had no majority in the Commons .
19 If this ostrich only knew , he would gain more marks by posing the legal difficulty , even though he suggested no solution , than he ever could by blinking it completely .
20 Therefore , he is guilty of manslaughter , even though he gave no thought to an obvious ( and serious ) risk of criminal damage .
21 I can see that now , even though I had no idea at the beginning where it might all lead me .
22 Sound track by Count Basie and Islam 's answer to Pavarotti in the even more enormous shape of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ; voice like a tripped-out angel in a dream even though I have no idea what he 's singing about and always sneakingly suspect it 's something on the lines of ‘ Hey , let's string up Salman Rushdie , yeah-yeah ’ .
23 Even though I have no energy when I do n't want to eat , there 's a sense of satisfaction .
24 ‘ Duw , course I will , ’ Hari said firmly though she had no idea how she was going to live up to her word .
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