Example sentences of "[adv] as though [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
2 Oh , she talks about it so much , just as though it were yesterday .
3 You 'll see , Miss Charlotte , she told me , how you can walk into every room , check in every cupboard , count the books in your father 's library , just as though you were really there . ’
4 Dr Graham was , as you might expect , most eloquent and , when he appealed for people to come forward and dedicate themselves , quite a few got up and went towards the screen just as though he was really there .
5 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
6 The young woman feels curiously as though she is only playing at house once more when she goes into the first flat or home that she can truly call her own .
7 Eyes of darkest brown , ’ he continued softly , but he did n't sound as though he were amused , or teasing — rather as though he was merely making a statement of fact , which she found slightly disconcerting .
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