Example sentences of "[adv] a bit [prep] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The physics department would tell you that chemistry 's only a bit of physics anyway .
2 Coming back to look at this erm er , as I say , very attractive building , again , and you can see there 's still a bit of work there .
3 Maybe O Leary 's been getting the coaching right in that department , or maybe a bit of luck away has steadied their nerve , perhaps a bit of both .
4 Hnatiuk at the bank said he 's always had quite a good balance in his savings account — for a kid — and he 's deposited quite a bit of money recently .
5 So we 're going to Scarborough in this big yank 's car and the fellow said if we do n't , if want it I 'll give you a fiver , for petrol like and that it was quite a bit of money then .
6 You may occasionally find you drop quite a bit of weight fairly suddenly .
7 ‘ I 've actually lost quite a bit of weight recently , ’ I said .
8 And I 'd like you to both spend quite a bit of time just playing with the numbers that make up three sixty .
9 ‘ I 'd spent quite a bit of time then visiting district nurses and accident and emergency departments which gave me a real insight into the health service and an understanding of the commitment there was around , ’ Cruickshank said .
10 Quite , quite a bit of disgrace actually cos she was having an affair with er the tour manager was n't she ?
11 do you remember the time though as being , you , you certainly imply that it was a , a time when there was a quite a bit of unrest perhaps at the complexity of the scheme , as much as anything else .
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