Example sentences of "[adv] [that] [pron] [be] difficult [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Two pervasive problems for empirical work in economics are the lack of controlled experiments and of large samples of data , so that it is difficult to discriminate between competing theories using conventional methods and the available data .
2 It is a field that is full of mythology , but also of research ; but the research tends to be compartmentalized between individual media , so that it is difficult to find meaningful material covering a combination of media in any very useful way .
3 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
4 But Calatin 's banqueting hall and the house in the forest had wavered and grown dim — ‘ as if I am seeing it through water , ’ thought Fergus — and there had been a great heaviness within him so that it was difficult to breathe .
5 The other windows must belong to the studio but the lower panes were dirty on the inside so that it was difficult to see anything .
6 Her fingers were cold , refusing to grip the edges of the stone , and everything was turning , spinning so that it was difficult to focus and to judge how to move and what to do with her limbs .
7 Also , previous versions of OS/2 have not been that well received either by the press of users — it was , to say the least , memory and disk hungry , and came in a number of flavours so that it was difficult to know quite which one you needed .
8 Boeing had done their best to keep tabs on which aircraft had been sold to whom but some were no longer in service or had been damaged and discarded while one or two had even lost their identity , so that it was difficult to trace where they were and under whose jurisdiction they fell .
9 We need to recognise that feelings are never good or bad , only that they are difficult to understand and can seem irrational at times .
10 We play football and I score a goal , mainly because everyone except Stewpid is playing so badly that it 's difficult to miss … .
11 Both the exhibition and the Show reminded us forcibly that it 's difficult to get away from politics in China .
12 Their last meeting had ended so unpleasantly that it was difficult to change course suddenly .
13 We shall repeat elsewhere that it is difficult to generalise about tribunals .
14 The move took place in early December and we settled in so quickly that it is difficult to believe we have been in our new offices for less than a year .
15 Had it been deliberate Edouard hesitated , unsure ; it had happened so quickly that it was difficult to know .
16 In fact the scenes passed by so rapidly that it is difficult to keep up with them .
17 They sometimes had secretaries who could imitate their master 's hand so perfectly that it is difficult to tell one from t' other .
18 Although the method has drawbacks , particularly that it is difficult to eliminate duplications from the results , it has the merits of being simple , and giving reasonably consistent results with a number of observers and being readily repeated .
19 The children were wedged so tightly that it was difficult to move .
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