Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] that she [vb mod] feel " in BNC.

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1 His heart was banging against his chest wall so hard that she could feel it thudding into her as well .
2 Her heart was thumping so hard that she could feel the breath catch in her chest .
3 Only he did n't , merely narrowed his eyes further , then pulled her against him so tight that she could feel every sinew and muscle from knee to chest , and a lick of frightened excitement curled along her nerves .
4 The picture in Julia 's dream was so vivid that she could feel the sun on her face , and even in sleep her eyes screwed up as though against the glare .
5 They kissed again and John held her so close that she could feel the beat of his heart , but then he said stubbornly , ‘ I wanted you to know , love , but I do n't want us to be known as a courting couple , not by our families or anyone , until I get this cleared up . ’
6 Roman was standing close to her , so close that she could feel the warmth from his body .
7 He still seemed so real , so close that she could feel his disapproval , and somehow she felt he was using will-power from a long way off .
8 Not while he remained so close that she could feel his warm breath against her cheek .
9 Luke moved so fast that she had no time to back away as he turned her into his arms and held her to him , so close that she could feel the hard outline of his thighs through the damp towel , the heavy steady beat of his heart against her breast .
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