Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a period of [num] " in BNC.

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1 However , fearing that the UN force would legitimize the loss of its territory to Serbia , Croatia also continued to insist that the force should be deployed only on the 560-km front lines and only for a period of six months .
2 if either party is by any cause ( other than a cause directly attributable to the other party ) prevented from performing its obligations hereunder for a period of 3 ( three ) months or for a total period of 6 ( six ) months in any period of 12 ( twelve ) consecutive months .
3 These courses have 4 hours tuition daily for a period of four weeks and are aimed specifically at people who for reasons of trade or technical co-operation require sound practical Portuguese to work efficiently in Portuguese-speaking Africa or Brazil .
4 On the basis of privately commissioned opinion polls showing an increasing majority in favour of some measure of divorce legislation , FitzGerald agreed with his cabinet to proceed with a referendum on whether to change the constitution so as to allow divorce for marriages irretrievably broken down , though only after a period of five years ' actual breakdown and legal separation .
5 It will slide on as a whole line , from the bottom right hand corner ( which will take 50 frames to complete ) stay still for 120 frames , and then scatter off randomly over a period of 30 frames .
6 For instance , in a group of patients with rheumatoid and osteoarthritis who were treated with an elimination diet followed by a wheat-free diet , cervical reintegration and the green-lipped mussel preparation , Seatone , significant and often dramatic improvements were obtained in a fortnight of an order similar to , or better than , those obtained by either homoeopathy or Seatone alone over a period of three to six months .
7 A very considerable number of sub-licences which were normally for a period of six to 12 months were granted during the relevant years of assessment and the aggregate profit therefrom during these years amounted to some HK$57m .
8 This registration is normally for a period of twelve months and during this time the student will begin work for the research project .
9 Relief can be granted for limited periods when a property first becomes unoccupied and unfurnished , generally for a period of 6 months .
10 After his death his empire could barely be sustained by the new rulers ( including Charles the Bald and Charles the Fat — is it possible to hold an empire together when the populace is taking the mickey out of you to that extent ? ) and crumbled away over a period of two centuries .
11 He rang the Wallis 's number twice more during a period of five days and each time got the answerphone .
12 And Financial Assurance ( 081–367 6000 ) was paying 8.05% on £5,000 or more for a period of four years .
13 A typical building of 10 storeys will sway back and forth in a period of 1 second , giving it a natural frequency of 1 cycle per second or 1 hertz .
14 Aim to alter your diet gradually over a period of six months .
15 Is the Minister aware that , by 9 January , Bir Zeit university will have been closed continuously for a period of four years and that a generation of young Palestinians will have been denied the right to higher education , which is surely one of the basic fundamental human rights ?
16 We talked to nutters frequently over a period of two years and some were ‘ interviewed ’ in a more structured manner .
17 The post is initially for a period of two years , commencing as soon as possible .
18 He was very soon found to be a satisfactory workman , and was engaged initially for a period of 2 years .
19 Works of art of ‘ the same high quality ’ as the Guggenheim Museum in New York , and encompassing ‘ all the essential works in the Guggenheim collection ’ will be loaned to the new museum , initially for a period of twenty years , though this may be extended to seventy-five years or indefinitely , according to the agreement .
20 After at least 3 weeks the intervention programme should stop and the baselines be measured again for a period of one week .
21 Tony Finnegan-Butler , chairman of Frinton and Walton Town Council , said yesterday he had managed to persuade the district council to switch the lights on again for a period of four hours at a reduced expenditure .
22 Twenty , 50 or 100 mg were infused intravenously over a period of 90 minutes .
23 The Lu-Fan operates quietly over a period of four minutes , switching off automatically , but it can be restarted immediately if required .
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