Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] around the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And she was already looking around the room for the gun or the knife that he would surely have about him somewhere .
2 Er B B C radio York you are not in the South of France but as it is persistently snowing around the county at the moment I thought you know a little French flavour .
3 According to Rupert Sutcliffe , the most senior member of the Department , and its most pertinacious gossip , there was a time not so long ago when Philip Swallow was for ever swanning around the globe on some conference jaunt or other .
4 Even looking around the kitchen in order to make up the shopping lists is a task involving observation , forward thinking and memory .
5 As shown in Map 13 overleaf , there is a massive throne-like wooden chair , with comfortable cushions , which is capable of magically moving around the room on command , to give its occupant a view through any archway he desires .
6 Inside we were greeted by the sight of a gaggle of top-heavy Sikhs energetically bopping around the hall to 1970s disco music ; beautiful Hindu ladies lilted delicately from side to side trying to avoid stepping on each other 's saris .
7 For every emotive vocal outburst from the strained tonsils of Paul , there 's a feeling that reality is fast vanishing around the corner of The Franks ' collective mind .
8 I often use this route as an approach to Shining Clough Rocks by contouring eastwards from the top of the ravine across open moorland , eventually traversing around the headwall of Shining Clough to the impressive crags themselves .
9 The way to it enters the obvious breach between Beinn Eighe and Liathach , reached from the top of the pass , a rough path climbing alongside the descending stream and then curving around the side of Sail Mhor , an outlier of Beinn Eighe , to the lip of the corrie and a sudden revelation of mural precipices on a grand scale .
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