Example sentences of "[adv] [be] assume to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even if working-class crime is promoted by the same features of capitalism as produce socialist consciousness this is no basis for automatically equating them : working-class crime may express purely personal goals or , if there are some wider underlying objectives , they can not necessarily be assumed to be socialist ones .
2 The value of exports is assumed to be determined by factors outside the domestic circular flow and so is assumed to be exogenous in our model .
3 They have generally been assumed to be massless , particularly as measurements of the electron-neutrino mass showed it to be less than a few ten thousandths that of the electron .
4 Of course , the extension dx will be accompanied by lateral contractions dy and dz , but although normally negative and equal , they can usually be assumed to be zero .
5 In poetry this minimum may always be assumed to be present but that is not true of the making of images .
6 New information is forced to the front as though it were given information , suggesting that a famous writer can always be assumed to be energetic and successful at school .
7 The fact that about 50% of all patients experienced minor faecal leakage in the first year after operation , discouraged the use of restorative proctocolectomy in older patients in whome the operative risk must also be assumed to be greater .
8 Over a smaller range , consistent with the acceptable variation of the mains , the relationship may even be assumed to be linear , with error well within the tolerance attainable for plant measurements with this device .
9 The uptake of 5-ASA must therefore be assumed to be equivalent to the production of Ac-ASA over time .
10 Whether skilled or unskilled , the vast majority of fathers of brides in the sample were engaged in manual trades ( 110 of the 161 ) , and most of them could safely be assumed to be skilled workers .
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