Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] not go " in BNC.

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1 It is important obviously that you do n't go too far with these techniques .
2 Erm , and , and if we are going to do , to do that , then I 'd suggest as well Chairman , that we er , raise the issue with er , A C C so that we do n't go alone , we go with other authorities if that 's what members want to er , do .
3 And maybe somebody would come to your door and say their wee boy or their girl was making their first communion , and they were in dire straights and could n't buy anything for them , and you would more or less have to give them your book to help them out , but you would go with them so that they did n't go over the score and get just exactly what that wain needed , you know , and just hope that they had enough money to pay you at the end of the quarter , you know .
4 There were no European schools in Narayanganj so that I did not go to school until I was 12 ; Jon was 14 .
5 At the last minute so that it does n't go brown .
6 A moire fringe unit monitors the horizontal azimuth of the beam as it sweeps so that it does not go out of alignment .
7 Then I think : he 'll think that too , so if I do n't go to the car , he 'll be waiting .
8 In Jordan v. Burgoyne Lord Parker C.J. made the point that the expressions ‘ threatening , abusive or insulting ’ are all ‘ very strong words , ’ and Lord Reid in Brutus v. Cozens repeated the warning against too expansive a reading of the section , observing that ‘ vigorous and it may be distasteful or unmannerly speech or behaviour is permitted so long as it does not go beyond any of these limits . ’
9 ‘ It 's just that I do n't go in for casual encounters . ’
10 It 's best if I do n't go unless there 's a proper green light thing .
11 Just because I do n't go around laughing my head off all the time or … or spending money on bunches of flowers too big to fit into the car , it does not mean that I am cross . ’
12 And I so I , I went to the doctor just because I did n't go , had n't gone for a while
13 She did n't open the door too widely and she did n't go outside , but she listened assiduously .
14 Specially when you do n't go out very often .
15 I do not have to go that far and I do not go that far . ’
16 I do not have to go that far and I do not go that far …
17 I 'm pretty hungry by now but I do n't go in .
18 I hardly ever see her now because she does n't go out and neither do I. But I used to see her when her husband was alive , indeed they were almost the only people I ever saw .
19 A : Well if you do n't go I 'll go .
20 The privatisations also help , even if they do not go far enough .
21 Even if you do n't go into consumer public relations which has an immediate relationship to selling , you will get to know the public as a consumer , get to understand how business is done , what product selling points are all about , and finally , learn how to sell yourself .
22 ‘ Oh , yes , and even if you do n't go to the hunt it 's still a beautiful place to see .
23 I 'm just as good as he is , even if I did n't go to Eton . ’
24 Dean agreed : ‘ I had an opportunity to watch Jimmy a couple of times from short leg in my first season here , and I realised then that he does n't go very far forward .
25 I put that there so you do n't go without .
26 But this is the thing , if he does n't go there , if he needs to go there and he does n't go there , he 's going to get worse .
27 I know we 've got ta go out tomorrow but then if we do n't go down there today we 're not gon na go this week .
28 You know you would n't know there was houses there if you did n't go up there and see mm .
29 We 're the one 's who unashamedly say , Europe has to go forward if it does n't go backwards .
30 But ultimately if I do n't go out there a do it no one else is gon na do it for me .
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