Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [pos pn] hand [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She staggered a little and put her hand on his arm .
2 He sighed wearily and ran his hand through his hair .
3 Ellwood tossed the peach aside and lowered his hand to the warm slick of juice and pulp , hardness and sweetness , hatred and desire .
4 Corbett leaned across and put his hand on the priest 's elbow , glad that Father Reynard did n't flinch .
5 She leaned forward and passed her hand through the flames of the small fire , letting its glow and its heat excite the ancient in her .
6 Alison stepped forward and ran her hand along the green velvet covering of a Chesterfield in front of the fireplace .
7 She leaned forward and put her hand on Greg 's thigh .
8 Topaz leaned forward and put her hand over Oswin 's .
9 Myeloski leant forward and put his hand on her arm to comfort her .
10 She leaned forward and gripped his hand in hers .
11 Scathach stretched forward and rested his hand on his spear .
12 She leaned forward and placed her hand on Dana 's .
13 He sat forward and placed his hand on the pad , his palm still tingling from the effects of the shock .
14 He paused again and waved his hand in several directions in succession .
15 Cleg stood up too and put his hand into his pocket .
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