Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [art] first half " in BNC.

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1 In theory this process had already been widely applied in the first half of the century ( see The Age of Revolution , chapter 8 ) but in practice it was enormously reinforced after 1850 by the triumph of liberalism .
2 There was , therefore , no reason for him to be worried about France , still isolated in the first half of the decade .
3 The extent of literacy gradually increased in the first half of the twentieth century .
4 ‘ I have loved Jacob , ’ says the God of Malachi ( 1.2–3 ; Malachi was probably written in the first half of the fifth century BCE ) , ‘ but I have hated Esau . ’
5 Another practice fairly common in the sixteenth century , that of the " circular " embassy which visited a series of different states , negotiating with each in turn , also persisted into the first half of that which followed .
6 I 'm also baffled about the first half in more respect than one .
7 Meetings were also held during the first half of 1989 between senior PLO officials and officials from France , Spain and the United Kingdom , culminating in Arafat 's talks with President Mitterrand of France in May 1989 , after which the PLO leader said that the PLO 's National Charter was " obsolete " and " null and void " [ see p. 36669 ] .
8 Chris Armstrong and Paul Williams have yet to strike up a true understanding in the Palace attack and despite some promising service from wingers John Salako and McGoldrick , Gunners ' keeper David Seaman was rarely troubled during the first half .
9 His son , Charles Power , wrote a famous guide-book to Madeira which was regularly up-dated during the first half of this century .
10 He should have been at least booked in the first half , for a nasty and ‘ professional ’ foul .
11 Neither goalkeeper was seriously threatened in the first half , with the exception of a speculative 25-yard drive in the 15th minute by Love , who was making his first-team debut for the Edinburgh club .
12 What were these what was the sales area of the how much sales area did you actually release in the first half and how much do you expect to go in the second ?
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