Example sentences of "[art] number of cases [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The number of cases for discipline decrease but there is still the occasional case of antenuptial fornication up to the closure of the book in 1916 .
2 When the price of graphite fell in 1900 and the mines closed they returned to their villages ; one result was an increase in the number of cases of cattle stealing in the Western and Southern Provinces of fifty-six per cent over 1899 .
3 Dr Wolff compared the number of cases of leukaemia and lymphoma with car ownership statistics in 22 countries during the period 1984=88 .
4 Perhaps our common reason is not any prediction about the number of cases of injustice that the checkerboard strategy would produce or prevent , but our conviction that no one should actively engage in producing what he believes to be injustice .
5 However , sexual abuse of children clearly differs in nature from physical abuse : the perpetrators are mostly male , the victims mostly female , ( although the number of cases of boys being abused in this way is growing ) , and understanding the origins of such abuse must lie within an understanding of sexuality and the distribution of power within our society .
6 A full explanation of the facts allows them to make a fully informed decision about their surgery ; this might reduce the number of cases of litigation arising from misunderstandings about the purpose and nature of any planned treatment .
7 first @ : the name and address second @ : the title and surname third @ : the number of cases of bottles
8 In the early seventies , the Swedes , worried by the startling increase in the number of cases of gonorrhoea , launched a health education campaign featuring a ‘ flying condom ’ which could be seen on all the best hoardings , exhorting the general public to use a protective in all acts of sexual intercourse .
9 Having followed the decline in the number of cases of gonorrhoea into the middle fifties , syphilis , in contrast , has remained at a comparatively low level ever since .
10 We looked at the total incidence of gonorrhoea ; the number of cases of gonorrhoea found in men overall and in homosexual men ; the male to female ratio of cases of gonorrhoea ; and the number of new cases of HIV infection diagnosed in homosexual men ( table ) .
11 The latest flu epidemic could be followed by an upsurge in the number of cases of meningitis .
12 This is four times the number of cases of AIDS actually reported to the WHO ( 501,272 to April 1992 ) .
13 The government has announced a near doubling of the number of cases of AIDS among heterosexuals , and says the disease is growing faster in this group than in any other .
14 So I mean th the instance of breast cancer is rising the instance of breast cancer , the number of cases of breast is rising , it rises with age .
15 Although the number of cases per head of population is less in England , the trend is similar , as it is in nearly all other temperate climates with predominantly white-skinned populations .
16 The number of cases in England and Wales was 227 in 1950 , 18 in 1960 , and 12 in 1970 .
17 Researchers say that the alarming increase in the number of cases in December , the first month of the Brazilian summer , signals worse to come .
18 The union is also investigating a number of cases of child labour and the sexual abuse of children by employers .
19 In Cleveland um there were a number of cases of child sex abused diagnosed , I think somewhere somewhere in the region of between one and two hundred altogether , by a controversial process called the anal dilation reflex .
20 PAT has drawn to my attention a number of cases of teachers whose professional and personal lives have been virtually destroyed as a result of allegations made against them by children , allegations either subsequently withdrawn or shown to have absolutely no foundation .
21 But Allen warns : ‘ A number of cases of decompression sickness have resulted after required decompression stops have been missed due to divers running out of air towards the end of their dives . ’
22 Any trawl through the columns of local papers of the time catches a number of cases of cruelty to apprentices which to our age , shocked by revelations of child abuse , suggests the tip of an iceberg .
23 A number of cases of nephrotoxicity has been reported recently in patients taking oral mesalazine .
24 Recently , a number of cases of nephrotoxicity have been reported in patients taking delayed release mesalazine .
25 Other incidents , notably including kidnappings in Lebanon and the Lockerbie disaster in which a Pan Am airliner was destroyed in December 1988 , had also been attributed in a number of cases to groups based in or operating under the protection of Syria .
26 In a number of cases in England defendants have conceded a liability for the consequences of injury before birth : Williams v. Luff , The Times , 13 February 1978 ; Whitehouse v. Jordan [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 246 ; McKay v. Essex Area Health Authority [ 1982 ] Q.B .
27 That the propriety of expenditure is premised on the possibility of an eventual return to the shareholders is , however , made starkly apparent in a number of cases concerning companies that are ceasing to trade .
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