Example sentences of "[art] dispute over the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One of the most frequent causes of fighting is the dispute over the possession of desired objects .
2 UNION leaders at Robert Gordon University last night called off strike action , planned for today , to pave the way for talks which could settle the dispute over the sacking of Sheena Falconer , a senior textiles lecturer at the institution .
3 The dispute over the cluster of potentially oil-rich islands had flared up in 1986 [ see p. 34766 ] when Qatar contested a 1939 decision by the United Kingdom , then the colonial power , to award the islands to Bahrain .
4 It is the lack of clear and unambiguous predictions from both theory and evidence that is the source of the dispute over the nature of the approach to monopoly policy .
5 Unlike Dick Crossman , he was a close ally and friend of Hugh Gaitskell , and worked unsuccessfully against Wilson in the dispute over the succession to the leadership in 1963 .
6 The MNR had until this time boycotted the CSC because of a dispute over the provision of accommodation in Maputo for MNR delegates .
7 A dispute over the shareholding of a merged company which would have dominated the European aviation scene proved the main stumbling block .
8 The resumption of trade with Ukraine , suspended since March 1 [ see p. 38828 ] in a dispute over the price of Turkmen gas , was announced on Sept. 26 following a meeting between Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Konstyantin Masik and Turkmenistan 's President Saparmurad Niyazov ; Ukrainian radio reported that Ukraine would pay transport costs for the gas in addition to the price of 3,000 roubles per cubic metre .
9 He suggests that this was because of a dispute over the carrying of the Irish tricolour ; the NILP would not march with it and the republicans would not march without it .
10 It is thought that the presumption contained in subs ( 3 ) in relation to the purchase of land would be applied by analogy in the event of a dispute over the ownership of other assets purchased in similar circumstances .
11 His own firm had been picketed for the last five months in a dispute over the use of new technology .
12 The violence began on June 4 in the city of Osh , which had a majority Uzbek population , sparked off by a dispute over the use of farmland for housing ( the scarcity of housing in Central Asia had become a major political issue in recent years , and had already been a factor in ethnic violence between Uzbeks and Meskhetians in the nearby Fergana valley in June 1989 , and in rioting in Tadjikistan in February 1990 — see pp. 36744-45 ; 37256-57 ) .
13 Malcolm Archer was punched and kicked in a dispute over the sale of the stall he had bought .
14 Some thought that he had been paid to attack the Visigoths by Gaiseric , king of the Vandals , who were now settled in North Africa ; others that he was making good a claim to be the husband of princess Honoria , daughter of Valentinian III , or that he was intervening in a dispute over the succession to the kingship of the Franks .
15 Following a visit to Beijing to sign an agreement on Hong Kong 's airport project [ see p. 38340 ] , the UK Prime Minister , John Major , paid a one-day visit to Hong Kong on Sept. 6 during which he promised to intervene personally with Chinese leaders in the event of a dispute over the status of Hong Kong .
16 There may be a dispute over the amount of settlement and in such circumstances we should pay what we believe represents ‘ indemnity ’ whilst continuing any dialogue with the policyholder .
17 In the context of a dispute over the future of pits and communities , the main difference is thus likely to be between those areas with good prospects ( because of high productivity capabilities and substantial quantities of accessible , easily-worked coal ) and those with much less secure futures .
18 There was ‘ deep and continuing ’ acrimony between Tindell and Victoria and a dispute over the custody of a child , said Mr Spencer .
19 Although there are reports of a dispute over the equipping of the signal box .
20 It was entirely fitting that it should end with a sit-in at the Guildhall by a number of homeless families and with a dispute over the allocation of houses .
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