Example sentences of "[art] lack of [noun] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Properly applied better-off tests would have highlighted how the lack of competition in an internalised link imposes extra costs .
2 ‘ True , ’ said Phoebe , ‘ but I 'd probably get to be a Union Official immediately , owing to the lack of competition in the Bayswater Chapel , and then Graham would have to give me endless paid hours off to attend to Union Business . ’
3 In addition , there is some evidence that thiazide diuretic agents reduce tissue sensitivity to insulin ( Hicks et al , 1973 ) , accelerate the lack of insulin in the prediabetic subject ( Weller & Borondy , 1965 ) and possibly reduce pancreatic insulin secretion ( Shapiro et al , 1961 ) .
4 Indeed , the savagery of the two figures at the right-hand side of the painting ( which is accentuated by the lack of expression in the faces of the other figures ) would justify its classification as one of the most passionate products of twentieth-century Expressionism .
5 The main criticisms focused on the lack of progress in the provision of international holidays but principally on the fact that despite its founding objectives , to improve the lot of the exploited labouring classes , the Fellowship was becoming ‘ rather middle class in spirit , and conservative in ideas … .
6 During the last stage of his visit Dole was unusually critical of Israeli policies and told journalists that US politicians and the public were becoming increasingly frustrated with the lack of progress in the peace process .
7 The US co-chair of the Russian-American Bilateral Commission on prisoners-of-war ( POWs ) , Malcolm Toon , said in Moscow on Sept. 21 that the US public was " getting awfully impatient " with the lack of progress in the search for US POWs allegedly missing in the former Soviet Union .
8 I READ your reply to the £10 letter re medical treatment or the proposed determent of it by some doctors , and I was completely astounded by the lack of logic in the statement ‘ have helped themselves to get there . ’
9 So the little sketchbook doodles I made from the car might be all that is needed : a few slight marks pointing to the lack of incident in a country where you can travel a long way without seeming to get anywhere — which is what I felt about my own artistic journey .
10 Here , the lack of refinement in the drive train , the sudden jerks and snatches from the engine , combined unhappily with all the car 's other short-comings .
11 HUNDREDS of animals were treated by St Tiggywinkle 's hospital for dehydration due to the lack of moisture in the soil this year .
12 He saw three main problems , one , the lack of thoroughness in the guidance of the movement , two , defects in the Party organization and three , bureaucratic leadership , I E the cadres were very commandist rather than giving the peasants political education .
13 Its diagnosis of existing weaknesses was unexceptional , with reference to the lack of co-ordination in the provision of advice agencies , overlap in the service provided by advice agencies and private practitioners and difficulties in obtaining advice in an emergency .
14 Perhaps the toner fluid intoxicated her — there were over a hundred sheets to copy — or maybe it was the lack of air in the photocopying room , but after we had done and she had commented favourably on the comprehensive and detailed nature of the notes , she asked me to go out with her .
15 The speed of reaching agreement and the lack of conflict in the standing committee indicates the lack of material dispute among the parties — all accepted Swapo 's draft as a working document — and some fine footwork by Swapo behind closed doors .
16 But if the England manager deplored the lack of flair in the squad he took to Sweden then it can only be a matter of time before he turns to the Bart Man .
17 These new designs also showed the lack of foresight in the small and underpowered loco policy : these locos could not haul a train of modern coaches and keep time .
18 IF they thought they were breaking new ground by having the Institute of Directors host a discussion on the lack of women in the boardroom , then Donald Hardie , its Scottish director , and Henry Fairweather , Scottish & Newcastle 's personnel director who put the idea forward , were right — in more ways than one .
19 The issue of the lack of variety in the Art curriculum , which had been raised in earlier meetings was raised again .
20 Papinian , like Scaevola , is concerned about the lack of clarity in the words .
21 The lack of clarity in the concept of care management leaves it ripe for projection .
22 Many sociologists have been reluctant to employ the notion of cultural marginality because of the qualitative differences it implies between squatters and their urban counterparts living in the city centre , but have used structural marginality to assess the lack of participation in the urban system .
23 Like many others , she blames the lack of instruction in the colleges : ‘ Because abstract , semi-abstract painting is the norm , the teaching of realistic , effective painting , whatever you 'd like to call it , is n't taken so seriously .
24 The slow pace of development and the lack of residents in the initial local area has produced less charged relations between MDC and local organisations ( Parkinson and Evans , 1990 ) .
25 The lack of Evaluation in the story , for example , has not been touched upon .
26 He smiled , and the lack of warmth in the smile chilled her .
27 A DRY four-hour Sunday drive from Cork to Tullermeny , a small village 70 miles from Dublin , sees Bono apologising for the lack of splendour in the unceasing and somehow dainty countryscape .
28 Their arguments suggest that the lack of development in the Third World is due to obstacles , both internal and externally-imposed , to capitalist industrialization .
29 No long interest rate future or option contract exists at present due to the lack of liquidity in the underlying cash bond market .
30 The government 's new-found enthusiasm for decentralisation soon ended , however , as the department came under sustained Parliamentary criticism about the lack of accountability in the NHS and the department 's failure to develop appropriate mechanisms to ensure it .
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