Example sentences of "[art] only [noun] he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The impression persists , that the only life he had lived is , in fact , the literary , and , admitting its necessity to our fathers , especially to him who had such a job of clearing to do , I take it a fault .
2 The only person he 'd told about his odd vision had been Jenny , and she had laughed delightedly and understood .
3 The only person he 's had through the tr the turbulence and turmoil of the last year is and you would n't give her a
4 I 'm not , positively not going to mess things up by telling him I ca n't make the only date he has offered .
5 He was looking unusually smart in a pin-stripe suit and a black tie which was the only colour he 'd worn since Will died .
6 The only way he had let her down was about her nightmare .
7 For Edward , India had lost the only element he had liked in it — the easy affection of the Indians that he had taken for granted as a child — and gained nothing in compensation .
8 He may be ill from the voyage , he may be homesick for the only home he has known , he may be … ’
9 He has n't seen her before , and perhaps the only woman he 's seen me with is his mother .
10 The only bother he 's had in Lothian Road has been hostile looks from casuals in the Burnt Post bar .
11 There was no doubting her sister 's passion as she struggled to express her resentment , writing : — on my life Lily I declare I want only what is best for the child and would not be Cruel to him nor the cause of Cruelty and what you asked was Cruel the child knowing no Italian and being Fearful of leaving me the only Mother he has known and who he loves as his own .
12 Sarah will no doubt be keen to take the part , but Lloyd Webber has revealed that Roger Moore is not the only actor he has had to talk into a role .
13 The only reason he 'd changed his mind was because he 'd received advance notification that there would be a choice morsel on offer that day — a boy named Garimel .
14 In Surere 's province , there had been many transgressions , despite the loss of privilege which was the only punishment he had dared impose , though there were rumours that in some cases he would have preferred to apply the death penalty .
15 Michael was not sure , because the only time he had flown , to Dublin , he 'd been sick , aware only of noise and vibration , and his ears behaving strangely .
16 He tells me of the only time he has seen his mother drink ; her infant grandchild vomited on her coat , and she spouted a fine , volatile performance , screaming Christ Almighty the cross a woman has to bear , taking the Lord 's name in vain for the very first time .
17 The only vehicles he 'd seen here so polished were hearses .
18 It is the only card he has left in a game which has so far seen her win every hand .
19 The only thing he has done wrong is get injured at the start of the season . ’
20 It 's the only thing he has offered to pay for .
21 The only thing he 's picked up since we 've had him , is me name .
22 The only thing he 's got over me right now is mental conditioning and experience , ’ said Stewart , 27 , the London-born heavyweight who lives in New York .
23 That 's the only thing he 's got going for him .
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