Example sentences of "[art] major part [prep] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , despite the importance of professional social care , it is families who still play the major part in meeting the social , emotional and general physical needs of the dependent old .
2 It is their skills and dedication which will play the major part in ensuring the future health of the National Library of Scotland .
3 Undaunted by French bluster , she took Beirut and Acre in 1840 and played the major part in obliging the Egyptians to return home .
4 In 1962 he was appointed clinical subdean and played a major part in revising the medical curriculum .
5 Two years after his appointment at the Chelsea Garden , Miller played a major part in producing The Gardener 's and Florists 's Dictionary .
6 Many of these pioneer voluntary bodies still exist , and they have been joined by large numbers of organizations that have arisen in recent years to tackle the needs of particular groups among the disabled , so that voluntary effort continues to play a major part in meeting the needs of the handicapped .
7 BRACKEN HOUSE , THE former home of the Financial Times , came under threat at the time ministers were considering the introduction of the Thirty Year Rule on listing ( see page 149 ) , and probably played a major part in securing the greater protection for post-war buildings of excellence that SAVE had sought for so long .
8 But modern scholarship has made it clear that it was in France , more so than in England , that urban defensive requirements played a major part in securing the widespread acceptance of artillery as a means of deterring or countering a prospective enemy .
9 After the outbreak of the Reformation crisis , Henry 's overseas ambitions were unabated , and it seems certain that their cost played a major part in prompting the rapacious seizure and subsequent disposal of the monastic lands , the greatest tenurial revolution in English history since the Norman Conquest .
10 This set the tone for the 1980s , when , despite successive draconian states of emergency , both secondary schools and universities have played a major part in challenging the government .
11 In this capacity he played a major part in instituting the kidney transplant unit at St James 's ; and when he established the liver transplant unit there , it was only the third such centre in the country .
12 It is important that the people of Northern Ireland take this opportunity to play a major part in deciding the future pattern of government in the area .
13 the presenter 's personality will play a major part in conveying the message effectively
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