Example sentences of "[art] sort of [noun sg] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt he slept soundly at night — Josh was n't the sort of man to be tormented by bad dreams .
2 ‘ Certainly , it would be extraordinarily clever if it were true — and if one had ever thought you were the sort of man to be manipulated .
3 It was a relief to attend to his words and not his presence , although he was not the sort of man to be easily put from the mind .
4 ‘ He was not the sort of person to be involved in drugs .
5 Christie believes his buddy is in the sort of shape to be crowned the overall men 's Grand Prix champion at Crystal Palace next Friday and collect the £87,000 that goes with the title .
6 ‘ In my book , that 's the sort of response to be expected of an honest , decent , upright citizen . ’
7 It ought never to happen that firms with incompatible ideas as to the sort of service to be provided for their clients should ever come together with a view to merger .
8 Despite her desolation , Nora Simpson was not the sort of woman to be beaten by a twist of fate .
9 However , Miranda , who could n't stand indecision , was n't the sort of woman to be fobbed off for much longer .
10 It was remarkably easy because she was n't the sort of woman to be star-struck so easily and quickly .
11 I could go on , but this is enough to prove my initial statement that there is a sort of safety to be found in your average school playground .
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