Example sentences of "[art] rate [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange at the balance sheet date .
2 In Brazil the rates of participation in the workforce of women with university education are 66 per cent for married and 77 per cent for single women ( Filet- Arbreu Souza 1980 ) .
3 Groups received questionnaire screening to see if there are any differences in the rates of dyspepsia between the two with a view to screening the high risk group of miners for gastric cancer .
4 The information about local conditions is essential if questions such as ‘ if x inches of rain falls in y hours on a given drainage-basin , how will channel flow respond ? ’ for the rates of operation of the different processes will depend on these local conditions .
5 Right , so given sort of erm , public and semi-public institutions , right , represent a large proportion of the non- agricultural erm , employment opportunities , and as a result , alright , the rates of pay in the , in the civil service , essentially , are going to , going to determine erm , the urban , the urban wage rate .
6 Another criticism of this study is that the authors only differentiated very generally between first and second generation Asian and Afro-Caribbeans without discussing the implications of mixing them together in the study , potentially masking important differences in the rates of schizophrenia between the two , and leaving an unclear picture as to whether second generation Asians , who were in the minority , benefited in the same way from the postulated protective factors .
7 To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will give the rates of VAT since the beginning of 1979 ; and the dates of each change .
8 However , although the rates of crime in the large cities have always exceeded the rates in rural areas , the increase in crime rates this century has been a universal phenomenon .
9 Although they are now regularly increased in November every year , a government pledge to increase the rates in line with the rise in either earnings or prices , whichever was higher , was dropped in 1980 .
10 If dyspepsia is to be used to identify a particularly high risk group ( such as coal miners ) , then we must know the rate of dyspepsia in the group we are studying and the extent to which it differs from that in the general population .
11 As mentioned above , the rate of reduction in the level of infant mortality was not uniform in each maternal age group .
12 Settling tanks can be of several types , and they use the principle of slowing the rate of flow of the water to allow the solid particles to fall out as a sludge that can be removed separately .
13 ‘ I think the first thing I tend to do ’ , said an area supervisor , ‘ is … to look at the normal working standards normally applied and see whether they would be adequate to protect the river ; and you then take into account the flow , the volume of the discharge or the rate of flow of the discharge and the volume . ’
14 The rate of fall of the glucose concentration may be important .
15 All the evidence available suggests that the rate of fall of the glucose concentration does not affect the response to hypoglycaemia in a clamp .
16 In addition , many components of jet-lag — altered sleep , fatigue , loss of appetite , changed bowel movements — are found , and the rate of adjustment of the body rhythms to a simulated time-zone transition is similar to that observed after real transitions .
17 The integrity of this method of labelling the meal has been well established by incubation of labelled scrambled egg with simulated gastric juice at 37°C and monitoring the rate of release of the label into the liquid phase .
18 Although automatic and semi-automatic high-bay warehousing systems are being built abroad at an ever increasing rate — some 2,000 have been constructed in Japan in the last fifteen years — the rate of development in the United Kingdom may only be described as slow .
19 Such an approach has characterised many Western cities in the post-war period and has undoubtedly retarded the rate of deterioration in the quality of life in residential areas .
20 Finally , different antihypertensive drugs ' appropriateness for the impaired renal function of diabetic subjects should be determined by their differences concerning clinically relevant end points — for example , difference in the rate of deterioration in the glomerular filtration rate .
21 Rent control leads to a decline in the rate of return on the rented accommodation , when compared to what could be earned if the capital value of the house were invested elsewhere .
22 In particular it relies on estimating the final cost of the investment , the amount and timing of returns , the rate of return on the alternative investment ( the ‘ hurdle rate ’ ) and the rate of real deterioration of items of productive capital .
23 Using daily data for the period from October 1984 to September 1985 , they found that the covariance between the riskless rate of interest and the rate of return on the spot asset had a statistically significant positive effect on the futures price .
24 The question of measuring the response of the futures market to changes in the rate of return on the market portfolio will be considered further in Chapter 7 .
25 Private firms should invest if the rate of return on the project exceeds the market interest rate at which they can borrow funds .
26 Table 6.6 includes 3 different risk-free rates to illustrate the point made by Friend and Blume that these measures are sensitive to the rate of return on the risk-free asset .
27 It follows from the above examples that profit-maximising firms , operating under conditions of certainty , will invest in projects where the rate of return on the investment exceeds the market rate of interest .
28 The politician is the organ of society for having its cake and eating it , for escaping , if only for a moment , if only through a form of art — art is , after all , a means of escape — from the grimness of reality , from this grim fact that you ca n't have the cake and eat it , that you ca n't have public expenditure increased in excess of the rate of increase of the national product , unless private claims are correspondingly surrendered .
29 Therefore , if the Government can finance its expenditure without taxation by some other method , namely through inflation , by creating the additional spending power and infusing it into the economy , that is an ideal solution to an insoluble problem — how to increase public expenditure faster than the rate of increase of the national income without the rest of the community having to surrender any claims or expectations .
30 Let us suppose that a Government , a party , observing that the rate of increase of the national income has been as high as 3 per cent in real terms over the last few years , were to decide to make plans which involve the growth of public expenditure at the rate of 2and1/2 ; per cent , so as to be a little within the recent happy experience .
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