Example sentences of "[art] great deal of [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Professional Draw is equally at home with creative or technical illustration and the interface shows that a great deal of thought about usability has gone into it , although the sheer weight of features and refinements for precision illustration make it a complex package to master at first .
2 This book is intended as a concise account of the principles of peptide chemistry for upper-level undergraduates studying chemistry and biochemistry and the author has obviously given a great deal of thought to the needs of his readers .
3 Mary Leapor appears to have given a great deal of thought to Pope 's ‘ Epistle to a Lady ’ .
4 Give a great deal of thought to the position and size of opening windows , both with regard to security and , more importantly , to ensure a quick means of escape in case of fire , especially at night when doors are likely to be well secured .
5 Richard and Peter devoted a great deal of thought to the theory underlying the succession , and made sure that there was a plausible Emorian reason for each change of emperor .
6 The teacher does not need to know exactly what will happen and can not usefully plan a story line very far ahead , but should give a great deal of thought to the organisation of the lesson : How will groups be divided ?
7 Clearly , the hearer is left with a great deal of responsibility in the interpretation process .
8 DIAL ( Disablement Information and Advice lines ) give a great deal of assistance to people who are disabled or who have a disabled relative , and Gingerbread , the charity concerned with one-parent families , does much educative and advisory work .
9 It welcomes my right hon. Friend the Chancellor 's brilliant Budget for its changes in the uniform business rate , which it says are of enormous help to business , a great deal of assistance to growing firms and just what businesses have requested .
10 What must be clear in a transcript of this kind is that a great deal of interpretation by the analyst has gone on before the reader encounters this ‘ data ’ .
11 This presents more difficulties for the researcher , who has to do a great deal of interpretation in order to make inferences from what people actually do to their motivations for doing it .
12 Hypochondria is thought to be a result of repressed emotions and secret fears , and it is far more likely to develop in families where there is a preoccupation with illness , or in people who have a great deal of contact with invalids as children .
13 This is obviously disturbing for both the child and his or her family , particularly if they have not had a great deal of contact with hospitals previously .
14 In Krashen 's terms , the filter exists outside the acquisition process so that even those with a great deal of contact with users and a considerable amount of comprehensible input may never reach competence or fluency .
15 When we were talking just now before the programme started I think you said that you were n't sure that you 'd had a great deal of contact with the university one way or another , but surely you 've been surrounded by university people ?
16 The apparent failure of the English to contain the Irish reveals a great deal of weakness about the English in Spenser 's eyes .
17 Sally-Anne could see that the good doctor , as she had naughtily begun to call him , was going to take a great deal of delight in mercilessly teasing her about Mr Sands .
18 On the way the child seemed to do nothing else but take a great deal of delight in wetting me thoroughly .
19 However , we will have to cover a great deal of territory in a limited space if the cost of this book is not to become prohibitive .
20 This sort of response can cause a great deal of guilt in people who discover they have such feelings .
21 There is a great deal of competitiveness between the sections , sometimes not always friendly , with each thinking itself the most efficient and ‘ best ’ at policing .
22 The homework lessons he 'd brought with him did n't find a great deal of favour in her eyes .
23 With engines close to the centre of the aircraft body there is very little asymmetric force being exerted when only one engine is producing thrust but with engines widely spaced in the wings , as they are on the Canberra , there is a great deal of thrust on one side and nothing on the other to counterbalance it .
24 There was a great deal of space on the new site , but the station was less conveniently situated to the city than the old one had been .
25 At Bethlehem , New Hampshire , the highest village east of the Rockies , the Boston and Maine created a delightful , half-timbered chalet-style building with a great deal of space for the horse-drawn coaches and carriages which conveyed excursionists from the station .
26 Separate software modules are required to handle direct and sequential retrieval , using a great deal of space in main storage ;
27 Mr Reynolds for example will need a great deal of preparation for discharge .
28 But in fact , the egg cells are quite the most likely place for the cycle to occur — because egg cells go through a phase of very high and relatively indiscriminate transcriptional activity when numerous RNA copies are made of a great deal of DNA including some of the Alu sequences .
29 The works of Léger and Corb have , on occasion , a great deal of fun in them .
30 While there is a great deal of merit in this argument , it over-estimates the importance of what individuals say or write on the shaping of ideology .
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