Example sentences of "[art] [adj] rate of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , the total rate of production of deleterious mutations and their pattern of age-specificity are unknown .
2 Clearly the prices shown would only have been achievable if 8.9 per cent p.a. were the prevailing rate of return on Treasury bills throughout the 91 days .
3 Thus Lucas measures the unanticipated rate of growth of aggregate demand in the ith country in any period t by the deviation of the actual rate of growth of nominal spending from its mean value over the whole period .
4 In particular , the long-run rate of growth of output may no longer simply be determined by the growth of effective labour .
5 The low rate of accumulation in the United States is undoubtedly a crucial symptom of the declining relative strength of US business .
6 Those who postulate a non-sexual mode of transmission refer to documented infection in pre-pubertal virgins , the low rate of isolation in males , the occasional finding of the organism in swimming pools and spa waters , and the fact that infection could be acquired from lavatories .
7 In January 1992 , the unadjusted rate of unemployment for the Sheffield travel-to-work area was 11.4 per cent .
8 Though a number of economists have made further assumptions about the behaviour of the economy — principally , that firms will substitute labour for capital if there is unemployment ( because in those circumstances real wages will fall ) — which remove some of the apparent instabilities , others have concluded that the instability still occurs because the actual rate of investment may still not necessarily coincide with the warranted rate of growth for full employment .
9 The high growth of the real money stock after 1979 compared with the growth of real GDP is partly reflected in the high rate of inflation during the 1980s — an annual average of 9.3 per cent , compared with 2 per cent growth of real GDP .
10 The high rate of inflation in the 1970s was threatening the building of a new Junior School , and a Sports Pavilion at the Dialstone Lane field .
11 Despite the complex set of influences , we would emphasize the high rate of accumulation as the most fundamental factor behind the decline in profitability .
12 Housing classes can not be separated from wider social processes , particularly the high rate of immigration into Britain during the 1950s and 1960s .
13 To take advantage of the high rate of return on securities , people buy them now instead of holding on to their money .
14 This means that the high rate of schizophrenia among close relatives of an affected person can not be explained away in terms of the effects of living with someone with schizophrenia , and any unusual relationship which might have developed between them .
15 His paper ‘ On the Physical Causes of the High Rate of Mortality in Liverpool ’ ( 1843 ) was particularly influential ; Liverpool he declared to be ‘ the most unhealthy town in England ’ .
16 The compulsory retirement of active , healthy elderly people who were willing to continue working was seen as a contributory factor to the high rate of suicide among the aged ( WHO 1959 ; Logan 1953 ) which peaked at age 70 ; deferred retirement was advocated as a preventive measure ( Batchelor and Napier 1953 ) .
17 A few of the jeeps had run out of ammunition before the raid had finished , which was hardly surprising considering the high rate of fire of the Vickers K guns .
18 Your readers may not be aware of it , but although BT state ‘ … calls to these services are charged at the premium rate of 36p per minute cheap rate and 48p per minute at other times ’ , it actually costs twice that amount when you dial from a payphone !
19 Reform of the VAT default surcharge , including an immediate reduction in the top rate of surcharge from 20 per cent to 15 per cent and a new minimum surcharge of £200 .
20 The top rate of taxation on investment income reached 98 per cent !
21 Also available in sterling or US dollars is the Tyndall High Interest Money Account ( Isle of Man ) ( 0624 629201 ) which pays the top rate of interest on balances of £1,000 to £100,000 ( US$2,000 to 200,000 ) ; over this level the customer earns an extra bonus of 1/4 % .
22 While the vast majority of those in work claim the relevant personal allowances — such as the single person 's or the married man 's tax allowance — even these are of most value to high earners who are able to set the allowances against the top rate of tax for which they are liable .
23 It is interesting to note that shortly after this study , the top rate of tax on earned income in the UK was indeed reduced from 83% to 60%.4
24 Mr Smith 's plans to increase the top rate of tax to 50 per cent and abolish the ceiling on National Insurance contributions are increasingly being seen by Labour MPs as a major contribution to the party 's fourth consecutive defeat .
25 He intends to raise the top rate of tax from 31% to 36% and wants to apply a 10% millionaires ' surtax , leading to a top rate of approximately 40% .
26 the standard deviation of the daily rate of change in the closing prices for the most recent 20 days ( Martell and Wolf , 1987 ) ;
27 The daily rate of hewers on the north Staffordshire coalfield advanced from 1s 5d a day to 2s 6d ( 7p to 12½p ) between 1774 – 5 and 1789 – 92 , a 75 per cent increase in money wages bringing a real improvement of 60 per cent .
28 When a nationalized industry is committed to pricing in this way , it should use these prices to calculate the stream of social profit and the social rate of return on the investment project .
29 But two budgets — 1979 , which included a doubling of the standard rate of VAT on many goods and services and 1981 , which was severely deflationary at a time when over two million were out of work — shocked a number of Cabinet ministers .
30 His ambition was to reduce the standard rate of tax to 25p in the pound by the next election .
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