Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to ensure [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By using the detachment technique during the course of the regression , it is possible for the hypnotherapist to ensure that you do not suffer in any way — if , for example , you are undergoing past-life regression and you came to a painful and untimely end in an earlier life .
2 There was no doubting the eagerness of many colleges to respond to the challenge and the opportunity , and the Board — containing a number of lively young university people and interested employers — was torn between its anxiety to go ahead quickly and the need to ensure that it established what it called at its first meeting ‘ lasting standards ’ .
3 Proposals , submitted through the Co-ordinator , would have to be assessed by the Group to ensure that they met a number of criteria .
4 Dr Peter Simpson , formerly regional medical officer in Mersey region , and Ainna Fawcett Henesy , director of nursing in South East Thames region , have joined the group to ensure that it has open channels of communication with the professions .
5 My mother insisted on accompanying me to the tailor to ensure that I got something sensible .
6 A racecourse cameraman alleged that Roger Hoad stuffed lead weights down his son 's boots after the race to ensure that he passed the scales correctly .
7 Full-time training at agricultural colleges , universities , or other specialized establishments can provide a much deeper knowledge of the theory of farming , but you should look very carefully at the syllabus to ensure that it covers subjects germane to practical smallholding before enrolling on a course .
8 The reasons which prompt such a bargain are a desire on the part of the landlord to ensure that he suffers no rental shortfall , and in some cases a desire to have a guaranteed profit rental .
9 Terrie put the helm hard over while I alternately concentrated on the reef , closing rapidly on both sides , and took bearings on the tree to ensure that we made whatever course corrections were necessary to counteract the current that runs northward up this coastline at up to three knots .
10 When patients register with the clinic a copy of their record is flagged by the registrar to ensure that we know of deaths and their certified cause .
11 Whatever the structure , it will be increasingly important for the institution to take a strategic view of its information requirements and the supporting technological structure , as well as for the library to ensure that it plays a leading role in any new arrangement .
12 Buying bare-rooted plants should be limited to the early part of the season to ensure that they have enough time to produce fresh roots and become established during the summer months .
13 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
14 I was able to arrange that U Khin Zaw , working in the Burmese section of the BBC , should return to be in charge of broadcasting , and in the meantime to ensure that he got some experience of the drama , music and talks departments .
15 LIFESPAN provides a tool to ensure that you know what you are inspecting , i.e. that no-one can modify the modules you are inspecting .
16 Please use it as a reminder to ensure that you keep up the good work and the resolutions you have started .
17 Should you experience any of the symptoms over a prolonged period of time , it is always advisable to have a check-up to ensure that you do not have a condition which requires professional help .
18 The meeting supports the Young Barristers Committee 's view that all chambers should resolve not to permit such exploitation , and put in place a mechanism to ensure that it does not take place , with the support and involvement of heads of chambers , senior members and Clerks . ’
19 On the other hand a diary entry such as ‘ ring X ’ is effective and if the entry is some way in the future it may be necessary to amplify with a trigger of the form ‘ ring X re Y ’ and to have easily accessible some factual data such as the X telephone number and some data re Y. In a different context a car driver will develop a strategy to ensure that he does not run out of petrol , he may rely on a light which appears when the tank is nearly empty or he may calculate from his expected travelling that he need not concern himself about the issue until at least the next weekend , or he may programme himself to react to the fact that he is approaching a particular garage .
20 There are some languages that require interpreters to which we do not have ready access , though we always make every effort to ensure that we find an interpreter who speaks the applicant 's language or at least one in which he or she is comfortable .
21 ‘ It 's a system not to guard against intruders , but a system to ensure that somebody does n't get out .
22 I … well , I want to find a way to ensure that we have a method that will help us produce only the best and happiest of individuals , so that when the time comes for control to be applied , it can be done gainfully .
23 The system acts as a discipline to ensure that you concentrate sufficiently on observation instead of being tempted to jump to conclusions .
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