Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] that he gave [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Has he forgotten , in just an hour and a half , the pleasure that he gave to his own backwoodsmen by telling stories about multiple applications ?
2 Great praise has been given to Mr. Baker , the United States Secretary of State , for arranging that conference and so fulfilling the commitment that he gave at the time of the Gulf war , when he said that he and President Bush would do all that they could to bring the parties to the negotiating table .
3 Does my right hon. Friend recall the answer that he gave to my hon. Friend the Member for Saffron Walden ( Mr. Haselhurst ) on Tuesday about monetary union ?
4 Is he able to elaborate on the answer that he gave to the hon. and learned Member for Fife , North-East ?
5 Er my Lord , the added bit of information that was , that erm was then passed to me was that when the man rang the police station the information that he gave to the telephonist included the fact that the occupants of the flat were frightened .
6 However , Proust 's real originality , on this point , springs from the fact that he gave to the phenomenon of involuntary memory an aesthetic application .
7 If he had given the speech that he gave at Bayeux in June 1946 a year earlier , he could have turned the October 1945 referendum and elections into a referendum on his own views .
8 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
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