Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] to the study of " in BNC.

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1 He had written for the ‘ Manchester Guardian ’ on the subject during the seasons of 1933/4/5 , then in 1937 he began writing for the ‘ Glasgow Herald ’ — not reporting on county cricket as he had for the ‘ Guardian ’ but instead turning his impeccable knowledge of the game to the study of the nature of the game itself .
2 The approach to the study of ‘ politics and the mass media ’ adopted here is inevitably much broader than that usually found within political science .
3 With regard to the first question , time will tell ; my own experience is that knowledge of D can open the door to the study of several physical processes involving the fractal structure .
4 The most significant and dramatic advance in biology was one which had only marginal relevance at the time to the study of the physical and chemical structure and mechanism of life .
5 In 1898 , on the Torres Straits expedition , he performed some of the first experiments in cross-cultural psychology and also developed the genealogical method as a key to the study of social organization .
6 The desire of biblical literalists to show that the story could have been history acted as a spur to the study of zoogeography , even though the eventual , and ironic , outcome was that they sank their own ship .
7 A commitment to the study of language would be common to every one in it .
8 The poem may be read through quickly by a newcomer to the study of Wordsworth , but it would be foolish to pretend that there are no difficulties .
9 This will provide a background to the study of the impact of the changing structure of elites and on the distribution of wealth and income .
10 Within geography , where a vigorous regionalist theme was in evidence , the work of C.B. Fawcett was influential in relating town planning to local government hierarchies ( Provinces of England , 1919 ) ; significantly C.B. Purdom 's book The building of satellite towns ( 1925 ) was subtitled ‘ a contribution to the study of town development and regional planning ’ .
11 The project is seen as a contribution to the study of medieval Welsh society and to an understanding of the nature and potential of court-roll evidence for the study of medieval society .
12 Although there was no clear distinction between philosophy and the particular sciences , the subordination of metaphysics to theology did not necessarily entail an obstruction to the study of nature .
13 Public choice theory is an approach to the study of political decision-making using the tools of orthodox economic theory ( of the type discussed in Chapter 3 , section 3.2 ) .
14 Now that we have the outline of an approach to the study of the meanings of words , we can turn our attention to the task of providing a more exact characterisation of the linguistic units which will form the objects of our study .
15 This project aims to develop an approach to the study of kinship terminologies which differs from that traditional within anthropology .
16 In denying that bilinguals are special in this respect , I am arguing for an approach to the study of linguistic interactions which bridges the old barrier between " variationist " studies , which deal with social and stylistic variation in " monolingual " , socially stratified speech communities , and " ethnographic " studies of code switching and related phenomena which are normally confined to bilingual or diglossic bidialectal communities .
17 His later publications included The Gold Mines of the Rand ( with J. A. Chalmers , 1895 ) ; The Geology of South Africa ( with G. S. Corstorphine , 1909 ) ; An Introduction to the Study of Ore Deposits ( 1929 ) ; and The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks ( with A. K. Wells , 8th edn. , 1926 ) .
18 They should understand what is meant by Language Universals , and the reasons why the development of Transformational Grammar has given so powerful an impetus to the study of language acquisition .
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