Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] of water from the " in BNC.

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1 The rushing of water from the shower masked every other sound .
2 The absorption of water from the gut lumen is an osmotic consequence of such processes .
3 This Invention relates to lifts for transferring barges and other vessels from one level to another on canals and other waterways in lieu of an ordinary lock or flight of locks , the object of the invention being to obviate the loss of water from the higher to the lower level by lockage inseparable from the ordinary system and to provide for the passage of vessels simultaneously in both directions and at a single life and between levels of widely different altitude where by the loss of time incidental to the passage through a flight of locks is in great measure avoided .
4 During the final five minutes of this sequence a period of intense activity was obvious and coincided with the emptying of water from the stomach and duodenal bulb .
5 Thursday , 7th September , was a day of very heavy rain in the New Cumnock district and in the colliery it was noted that the flow of water from the exposed gravel had increased threefold .
6 Commission chairman Ulf Bjallas said the government could not fulfil its pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions if the bridge went ahead , adding that the six-year construction period would disrupt the flow of water from the North Sea , vital to the maintenance of marine life in the Baltic .
7 The ecological disaster created by the diversion of water from the Aral Sea for the sake of a better cotton crop has given that sort of thinking a severe knock .
8 Beyond Blakeney , the combination of waters from the Blackpool and Soudley Brooks become known as the Bideford Brook , wending its way through the meadows , eventually emptying into the Severn at Brims Pill .
9 I add a cupful of water from the incubation tank to the jar daily , to gradually adjust the water chemistry to match that of the tank and eventually to dilute the fry 's waste .
10 I draw a can of water from the outside up , and make my way towards Lucky 's tethering place .
11 Bellamy drew a cup of water from the cooler and sprinkled his forehead .
12 ‘ This is what we need , ’ Bryce said , picking up a carafe of water from the top of a chest of drawers .
13 ‘ Do n't ask me , ’ said Alan , and bravely , coolly drank a glass of water from the tap .
14 She was more interested in getting a glass of water from the mini-bar and enquiring if she could have a cup of tea .
15 Theda brought a glass of water from the bedside table to her lips and obliged her to drink .
16 He came into the room and poured himself a glass of water from the earthenware jug which stood , as it did in all the offices of Cairo , in the window so that the air currents could cool it .
17 He carried a bottle of water from the River Mississippi with which , he said , he planned to baptise my breast as a sign of love .
18 If you get a basin of water from the old man 's shop and pour it over the man , it 'll help . ’
19 In 1896 , the minutes state ‘ that seven owners of property have applied for a supply of water from the Railway Company , which will necessitate the laying of 230 yards of 3 ’ cast iron main at an estimated cost of £55 , and there are several more houses along the proposed extension of the main which will probably soon want a supply' .
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