Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] the corner " in BNC.

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1 The sun bled into the corner of his eye
2 She ducked into the cubicle , hardly conscious of the cameraman tucked into the corner .
3 The patron moved to the corner of the bar , clear of everyone 's earshot , and began drying glasses .
4 The organisation housed on the corner of Old Broad Street and Throgmorton Street has mercifully reverted to a name which accurately describes where it is and what it does .
5 We had gone round the other arm of the terrace , into the shadow cast by the corner of the bedroom wall .
6 Turning the eye reveals a different view through the cubic grid ; the three point geometry is based upon a pyramid sliced from the corner of a cube .
7 A short time later , on the other side , she came to a noticeboard set at the corner of a road which left the main highway .
8 The men sheltered under a tarpaulin slung across the corner of the barge .
9 I never saw the mail robber , though Tom played with his children — and caught nits from them , to Nonni 's horror — and I got to know his sister , Elsie : a thin woman with stiff , blonde hair who was never without a cigarette stuck to the corner of her mouth .
10 She pointed to the figure of a man propped in the corner , and the cylinders of oxygen in the back pack lying beside it .
11 Tramps slept there à la corde , standing , their arms hooked over a rope slung from the corners of the room .
12 Ah well there 's a caravan parked round the corner .
13 The first she knew of the assault was a motion glimpsed from the corner of her eye : a blurred form approaching her at speed through the thickening sleet .
14 In each place a crowd of men in blue overalls , each with a Gauloise stuck in the corner of his mouth , stared into the mirror behind the bar at the reflection of any women who braved their domain .
15 She looked like a goner piled into the corner , one claw poking out , eye a milky slit , panting like a cat in a car .
16 Marx was there , leaning on the door-frame , a hat rammed on the back of his head , a cigar jammed in the corner of his mouth , blinking his bloodshot eyes .
17 The renewed buzzing of a fly trapped in the corner of the pane ceased to seem quite so near .
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